Q1. What is the pre-ceremony event?
A. The pre-ceremony event can be thought of as the opening performance. Spectators who arrive early, between 08:25 AM and 09:55 AM before the commencement of the main ceremony at 10 AM, can enjoy congratulatory performances and videos. The program includes a motorcycle parade, screening of a national congratulatory video, and performances by the Military Symphony Orchestra and Military Bands.
Q2. Are there any interactive programs during the commemoration ceremony?
A. The National Armed Forces Day commemoration ceremony is a live broadcast event, so there are no interactive or participatory programs. The ceremony consists of a National Salute, Marching of Colors, Presentation of Awards and Decorations, and Commemorative Address.
Q3. What does the division of infantry and equipment units mean?
A. "Division" in this context refers to a march or parade. "Division of infantry" involves units composed of personnel marching (parading), while "division of equipment units" refers to units showcasing state-of-the-art equipment in the march (parade).
Q4. Do I need to prepare anything when going to the march route?
A. Depending on personal preference, you can bring items such as the national flag and flower necklaces. Note that on the march route, Sejong-daero, free handheld national flags and promotional goods will be distributed.
Q5. Can I bring my car to the march route?
A. Vehicle movement is expected to be highly inconvenient. On the event day, the march route will operate as a "car-free zone," and there will be many restrictions on nearby buildings and parking lots. It is recommended to use public transportation (subway, bus) as much as possible.
Q6. Can I receive medical assistance at the ceremony venue and march route?
A. Yes, medical personnel wearing white gowns and badges are stationed near the auxiliary field next to the main parade field and between the seating areas. They will be happy to guide you if you approach someone with a badge. Additionally, military medical personnel and 119 ambulance teams are stationed at a total of 10 locations along the march route, providing basic medical support.