Page 118 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 118
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
• As the laws and provisions on the grounds for mutatis mutandis application
following the enactment of the Act on Accident Compensation for Soldiers
are modified, and the criteria for payment of compensation for injuries and
Partial Amendment deaths are unified to the average amount of monthly income of all public
Enforcement Decree of No. 31123 officials in accordance with the Act on Accident Compensation for Soldiers,
the Reserve Forces Act
(October 27, 2020) apply the same payment criteria to the reserve forces as the
servicemembers on active duty so as to enhance compensation for
personnel in the reserve forces who have sustained injury or died during the
performance of their duty or training
• In order to respond rapidly to the sudden change in the defense
environment such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and reorganization of
General Rules on Defense Partial Amendment future unit structures, expand the scope of delegated rights to adjust
Organization and No. 31124 occupational groups and line or work of general civilian personnel in the
Capacity (October 27, 2020) military, which are currently delegated by the Minister of National Defense
to the Chief of Staff of each service and the Commander of Marine Corps,
from general civilian personnel grade-6 or below to all ranks
Enforcement Decree of • With the enactment of the Act on Noise Prevention and Damage
the Act on Noise Compensation for Military Airfields and Military Shooting Ranges, set
Prevention and Damage Enactment No. matters necessary for the designation and announcement of areas requiring
Compensation for Military (November 24, 2020) countermeasure against noise, specific calculation methods of
Airfields and Military compensation for damages arising from noise, and payment method
Shooting Ranges thereof
Ministerial Ordinances
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
Enforcement Rules on the
Organizational Setup of Partial Amendment • Increase the manpower of the MND by using the total labor cost system to
No. 974
the MND and Its Affiliated (December 24, 2018) support job-oriented state administration and facilitate state affairs
Rules on Special Service Partial Amendment • With the amendment to the Regulations on Allowances, Etc. for Public
Allowance for Military No. 976 Officials, amend the provisions by assigning aerospace physiological
Personnel, Etc. (January 24, 2019) instructors to those who are eligible to receive hazard pay allowance
• Where applicable, military incentives could only be paid in the fourth year of
Partial Amendment a four-year college in the past; in the future, however, by considering the
Rules on the Payment of No. 977 selection of officer candidate and the time of graduation from the university
Military Incentives
(January 31, 2019) of cadets, amend the provisions to make the payment even before the start
of the officer candidate course if the student consents
• Amend the provisions by extending the scope of public organizations where
the military personnel who work as alternative social workers work; thus,
where an application is made to be transferred to wartime labor service due
Partial Amendment
Enforcement Rules of the No. 978 to the livelihood of the family, require the submission of the detailed history
Military Service Act of employment insurance and daily work history under the employment
(February 27, 2019)
insurance along with the documents to be verified by the head of the
regional military manpower office through the joint use system of
administrative information
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment • Reflect modifications as the organizational setup of the MND and its
Organizational Setup of affiliated organizations are amended to increase the manpower required for
No. 981
the MND and Its Affiliated (March 5, 2019) providing public data and expanding the use thereof to the MND and its
Organizations affiliated organizations
2020 Defense White Paper