Page 113 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 113

Promulgation No.
                           Title                                    Main Contents
                                      Partial Amendment
                      Regulations on Military   No. 29790  •  Regulations on strengthening the management and supervision of military
                       Entrusted Students           entrusted students
                                       (May 28, 2019)
                                      Partial Amendment  •  In order to reinforce the combat readiness inspection function of operation
                      Organizational Setup of   No. 29819  units and combined units, establish a combat readiness inspection group
                      the Joint Chiefs of Staff
                                       (June 11, 2019)  as a special staff section under the Joint Chiefs of Staff
                                                   •  Set matters delegated under the Act and other matters necessary for
                                                    implementation thereof by setting the conditions for agreement of the
                      Enforcement Decree of         commander of the jurisdictional unit, etc. as the case where alternative
                     the Protection of Military   Partial Amendment   facilities are installed in the previous military installations, prohibiting any
                                        No. 29893
                      Bases and Installations   (June 25, 2019)  unreasonable or inaccessible conditions such as banning the installation of
                            Act                     windows facing the unit, and requiring the facilities directly used for military
                                                    purposes to be used for war equipment, production of supplies, and
                                                    storage facilities
                                                   •  Set matters delegated under the Act and other matters necessary for
                                                    implementation thereof for the event where there are no lineal descendants
                                                    of grandparents or lineal ascendants of grandchildren other than the military
                      Enforcement Decree of   Partial Amendment   personnel him/herself, so there is no one to care for the grandparents or
                      the Military Personnel   No. 29894  grandchildren, thereby allowing the military personnel to take a leave of
                       Management Act  (June 25, 2019)  absence to care for said grandparents or grandchildren
                                                   •  Amend provisions, such as modifying the chemical division to the CBRN
                                                    division among the names of basic branches in each service, so as to
                                                    correctly reflect the mission of each branch in the name thereof

                      Enforcement Decree of        •  When calculating the period of continuous service for civilian personnel in
                        the Act on the   Partial Amendment   the military service, be sure to add all the relevant experiences only for
                      Management of Civilian   No. 29937  civilian personnel in the military service who has been converted from
                      Personnel in the Military   (July 2, 2019)  extraordinary civilian personnel or general civilian personnel in contractual
                          Service                   service into general civilian personnel in the military service
                      Enforcement Decree of
                        the Act on the
                     Conferment of Orders of   Enactment No.   •  Set matters delegated under the Act and other matters necessary to
                                                    implement thereof, such as the method of applying the registration of the
                        Military Merit for   29993
                      Distinguished Services   (July 23, 2019)  person of merit or bereaved family members thereof and the tasks of the
                                                    investigation team for finding the order of military merit for the Korean War
                      Rendered During the
                         Korean War
                                                   •  Set matters delegated under the Act and other matters necessary for
                                                    implementation thereof to ensure that, when any bereaved family member
                      Enforcement Decree of         of military personnel killed in action or during the course of his or her duty
                      the Special Act on the        and who was set to be promoted applies for promotion, the member is
                     Promotion of Promotable   Enactment No.   asked to submit documents such as a certificate of family relations attached
                      Military Personnel Killed     to the promotion application to the Minister of National Defense; enable the
                     in Action or in the Line of   (July 23, 2019)  Minister to require the Chief of Staff of each service or the commander of
                           Duty                     the Marine Corps to verify the facts regarding whether the person for which
                                                    an application for promotion has been submitted is indeed the person set
                                                    to be promoted and make reports thereof within 30 days
                                                   •  In order to reinforce the protection of military personnel who have made
                      Decree on Disciplinary   Partial Amendment   positive administration, amend the provisions to ensure that, when a person
                      Action Against Military   No. 30022  subject to review such as sanctions testifies of the fact or submits evidence,
                          Personnel   (August 6, 2019)  it includes also the fact that it corresponds to the grounds for exemption
                                                    such as sanctions
                      Organizational Setup of   Partial Amendment  •  Appoint a general public official falling under the scope of high-level public
                     the MND and Its Affiliated   No. 30041(August   officials as the logistics management officer of the MND and increase the
                        Organizations   13, 2019)   needed manpower by one person (high-level public official)
                                                   •  Amend the provisions to require play etiquette music only without any wind
                                      Partial Amendment
                       Decree on Military   No. 30064  instruments for foreign guests of the State and skip playing wind
                         Ceremony                   instruments limited to ceremonial events where no salutes are fired for the
                                     (September 3, 2019)
                                                    President, thereby reducing the time required for playing honors music

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