Page 115 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 115
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
• Amend the provisions to ensure that, as for general civilian personnel in the
Enforcement Decree of military with outstanding attitude to performing positive administration, allow
the Act on the Partial Amendment the reduction of the period required for promotion after continuous service
Management of Civilian No. 30199 by one year and, as for the person who has been subject to sanction due
Personnel in the Military (November 5, 2019) to negative administration or DUI, add 6 months to the restricted period for
Service general promotion due to disciplinary action and prohibit the person from
being promoted during that period
Enforcement Decree of the
Act on the Execution of Partial Amendment • Stipulate allowing units commanded by grade-2 or higher civilian workers in
Criminal Penalties in the No. 30213 the military to install military detention facility for detainees pending trial
Armed Forces and the (November 26, 2019)
Treatment of Military Inmates
• Stipulate addressing the issue of requiring munitions sales agents to submit
identical documents repeatedly, and where the Commissioner of the
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment National Tax Service or the Korea Customs Service has conducted a tax
the Defense Acquisition No. 30225 audit, etc. on taxation data in connection with reporting the brokerage fees
Program Act (December 3, 2019) of munitions sales agents submitted by the Minister of DAPA, and where
the content differs from the taxation data in the investigation results, require
the notification thereof to the Minister of DAPA
• Include military personnel who have died after applying for honorable
discharge benefits in the scope of people who are eligible to receive
honorable discharge benefits to clarify the scope of those who are eligible
Regulations on the Partial Amendment to receive honorable discharge benefits
Payment of Honorable No. 30269 • Where the person who had received honorable discharge benefits has been
Discharge Benefits for (December 24, 2019) reappointed as a state public official, allow the Chief of Staff of each service
Military Personnel
who has paid honorable discharge benefits to request data necessary for
redemption so as to assist the heads of central administrative agencies who
have made such reappointment
• Stipulate the provisions to allow authorities to hire any person falling under
the scope of persons with disabilities with physical impairment under the
Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons
Enforcement Decree of with Disabilities through the career-based competitive examination of
the Act on the Partial Amendment
Management of Civilian No. 30279 • In order to create a public service culture where work and life are balanced,
Personnel in the Military (December 31, 2019) where both parents of the first child have taken a leave for childcare and the
leave of absence of each person is 6 months or longer, add the entire
duration of the leave of absence to the minimum number of years required
for promotion
• In order to solidify the foundation of democratic control over defense
policies, appoint general public officials who correspond to high-level public
officials for the informatization planning officer and mobilization officer who
Organizational Setup of Partial Amendment had been previously assigned with general-level officers and provide
the MND and Its Affiliated No. 30281 matters regarding manpower increase
Organizations (December 31, 2019)
• Extend the evaluation period for one division in the Office of National
Defense Policy by two years according to the evaluation results obtained
thus far
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment • In order to create a culture where childbirth and child-rearing can be carried
the Framework Act on No. 30312 out concurrently through work–life balance, expand the leave available for
Military Status and (December 31, 2019) military personnel who are pregnant or who have children
• Simplify the procedure for disposition for military service by reducing the
waiting period for the physical re-examination of those who are subject to
Partial Amendment active duty and who are returning home due to illness, etc. after the
Enforcement Decree of No. 30323 enrollment and physical examination, and expanding the scope to those
the Military Service Act
(January 7, 2020) who may be exempted from military service or transferred to wartime labor
service without a draft physical examination so as to improve the current
Organizational Setup of Partial Amendment • Stipulate provisions to extend the duration of existence of the military air
the MND and Its Affiliated No. 30364 base relocation project group established in the MND as a temporary
Organizations (January 29, 2020) organization by two years from January 30, 2020 to January 30, 2022