Page 120 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Promulgation No.
                   Title                                    Main Contents
                                          •  Previously, the procedure for submitting requests for fostering and
                             Partial Amendment
             Rules on Fostering and   No. 996  supporting reserve forces was delegated to be set by local governments’
              Supporting Reserve   (September 26,   ordinances; since there is no need to set the provisions for each local
                  Forces                   government, however, deleted the regulations delegating the role to
             Rules on the Payment of   Partial Amendment   •  Amend the provisions to extend the period of exception that temporarily
            Retaining Fee and Interim   No. 997  suspends the payment of the guaranteed amount specified in the guarantee
            Payments for the Defense   (October 11, 2019)  of payment of subcontractors or submission of the guarantee of payment,
                 Industry                  etc. for the amount equivalent thereto by shipbuilders
                                          •  Amend the provisions to make system improvements by allowing the Chief
                                           of Staff of each military to give extra points up to a certain limit considering
            Enforcement Rules of the   Partial Amendment   the environment and characteristics of each service’s labor acquisition in
               Military Personnel   No. 998   relation to the extra points given in the selection of long-term NCOs and
               Management Act  (October 18, 2019)  NCOs eligible for promotion, and set the appointment criteria to at least 300
                                           flight hours when appointing pilots for rotary-wing aircraft to increase
                                          •  Amend the provisions to set matters delegated under the Act and
                                           Presidential Decree and other matters necessary for implementation thereof
            Enforcement Rules of the   Partial Amendment   by setting the detailed criteria for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) among
               Military Aircraft           military aircraft and requiring the head of the project management agency
                                No. 999
            Airworthiness Certification   (October 24, 2019)  who intends to apply for airworthiness certification for the purpose of
                   Act                     research, etc. to submit the application for airworthiness certification
                                           containing details such as the operational purpose and period of military
                                           aircraft to the Minister of DAPA
                                          •  With the amendment to the Act on the Report and Disclosure of Military
            Enforcement Rules of the       Service Records of Public Servants, Etc. and its Enforcement Decree,
             Act on the Report and   Partial Amendment   amend the provisions to improve some shortfalls found in the operation of
              Disclosure of Military   No. 1000
            Service Records of Public   (October 29, 2019)  the current system by amending the forms necessary for such
                                           implementation, including the notice to report modifications in the military
                Servants, Etc.
                                           service information
            Enforcement Rules of the   Partial Amendment  •  With the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Defense Acquisition
              Defense Acquisition   No. 1001  Program Act, amend the provisions by deleting the form of the relevant
                Program Act  (December 4, 2019)  agreement on security requirements
             Rules on Calculating the
            Cost of Goods Subject to   Partial Amendment  •  Amend the provisions by improving the profit calculation standards to
                                No. 1002
                                           guarantee appropriate profits for the defense industry and introducing the
              the Cost of Defense   (December 30, 2019)  unit cost of defense wage and concept of standard amount of work
                                          •  With the amendment to the Organizational Setup of the MND and Its
            Enforcement Rules on the   Partial Amendment   Affiliated Organizations (Presidential Decree No. 30281, promulgated and
             Organizational Setup of
                                No. 1004
            the MND and Its Affiliated   (December 31, 2019)  enforced on December 31, 2019), amend the provisions by reflecting the
                                           modifications and designating the chief of Gender Equality Policy Division in
                                           MND as an open position to ensure efficient operation of open positions
                                          •  With the amendment to the Decree on the Act on Welfare of Persons with
                             Partial Amendment   Disabilities, which revises the grade of disability, amend the provisions by
            Enforcement Rules of the   No. 1006  reforming the criteria for people who require draft physical examination
              Military Service Act
                              (January 7, 2020)  among persons with disabilities in the preliminary military service who are
                                           eligible to be exempted from military service
                                          •  Amend the provisions by deleting the age in the selection criteria for
                                           promoting NCOs so as to eliminate unreasonable discrimination in relation
                                           to age, as well as allowing those who have not completed their mandatory
            Enforcement Rules of the   Partial Amendment   service period due to physical or psychological impairment to continue to
               Military Personnel   No. 1008  serve on active duty through deliberation by the committee for examination
               Management Act  (January 23, 2020)
                                           on discharge from active service of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
                                           considering their capacity to serve such as the possibility of treating the
                                           physical and psychological impairment and characteristics of each branch

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