Page 121 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 121
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment • Extend the duration of the military air base relocation project group
Organizational Setup of established as a temporary organization under the MND by two years and
No. 1009
the MND and Its Affiliated (January 29, 2020) reduce one of the existing prescribed number of affiliated temporary
Organizations personnel
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment • In order to reinforce the assessment capacity of the screening interview
Act on the Management among new recruitment tests for general civilian personnel in the military
of Civilian Personnel in the No. 1011 and to minimize the number of people with tied scores, subdivide the
Military Service (February 17, 2020) scores for each evaluative element of the screening interview
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment
Organizational Setup of No. 1013 • With the amendment to the Organizational Setup of the MND and Its
the MND and Its Affiliated (February 25, 2020) Affiliated Organizations, reflect the modifications
• With the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Defense Acquisition
Program Act, set the criteria, etc. of the harms prevention regulations for
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment those who have acquired the license for manufacturing facilities for military
Defense Acquisition No. 1014 firearms, swords, explosives, etc., and set the export status forms and
Program Act (March 31, 2020) attached documents that those who have been exempted from export
permit and exported defense industry supplies, etc. are required to submit
within 7 days of export
• With the amendment to the Regulations on Allowances, Etc. for Public
Rules on Special Service Partial Amendment Officials that aimed to expand the scope of people who are eligible to
Allowance for Military No. 1015 receive allowance for special tasks, set the monthly amount of allowance
Personnel, Etc. (April 2, 2020)
paid to the pilots who are general-level officers
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment • With the amendment to the Organizational Setup of the MND and Its
Organizational Setup of Affiliated Organizations (Presidential Decree No. 30635, promulgated and
No. 1017
the MND and Its Affiliated (April 28, 2020) enforced on April 28, 2020), adjust the administrative affairs assigned to
Organizations lower organizations and the names of departments
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment • With the amendment to the Framework Act on Military Status and Service,
Framework Act on Military No. 1018 set the management standards for maintaining indoor air quality of the
Status and Service (May 27, 2020) facilities needed for barracks life at a pleasant level
• Improve the personnel management system by preparing a special
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment screening system of admissions to appoint NCOs who have become
Military Personnel No. 1019 physically impaired due to acts that may set an example for other military
Management Act (June 1, 2020)
personnel during battle or training related to operations as warrant officers
• Where the President of the Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment received an application for the renewal of certification from a defense
Defense Acquisition No. 1020 company but is unable to conduct field inspection due to extenuating
Program Act (June 2, 2020) circumstances, allow the Agency to carry out the inspection with data
submitted in lieu of the field inspection
• Set matters delegated by the Enforcement Decree of the Act and other
Full Amendment No.
Enforcement Rules of the 1022 matters necessary for implementation thereof, such as the reporting
Military Pension Act procedure for the duration of marriage excluded when calculating the
(June 11, 2020)
installment pension
Enforcement Rules of the • With the enactment of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Accident
Act on Accident Enactment No. 1023
Compensation for (June 11, 2020) Compensation for Soldiers, set matters delegated under the Act and other
matters necessary for implementation thereof
Regulations on Officer Partial Amendment • Change the number of officer candidates of the Reserve Officers’ Training
Candidates for Reserve No. 1024 Corps to 40 and NCO candidates to 30 and prepare the grounds for the
Officers’ Training Corps (June 19, 2020) transition of military records
Enforcement Rules of the • Set the application form for transfer to alternative service and require the
Act on the Assignment Enactment No. 1026 applicants to attach other documents such as their written statements and
and Performance of the (June 30, 2020) the statements of their parents and surrounding people when submitting
Alternative Service the transfer application