Page 119 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 119
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
• In terms of equity with the officer promotion systems, amend the provisions
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment by deleting the grounds for excluding those who are excluded from the
Military Personnel No. 983 group of people entitled to undergo promotion and selection of NCOs, and
Management Act (April 26, 2019) establishing grounds for prohibiting the promotion before any
announcement is made, thereby improving the promotion system of NCOs
• With the amendment to the Organizational Setup of the MND and Its
Affiliated Organizations (Presidential Decree No. 29734, promulgated and
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment enforced on May 7, 2019), set the specific positions of increased manpower
Organizational Setup of
No. 984
the MND and Its Affiliated (May 7, 2019) and modify the previous titles of the Outplacement Support Policy Division
and Defense Women and Family Support Division to the Defense
Employment Policy Division and Gender Equality Policy Division,
• Amend the provisions to make improvements by upgrading to the
Regulations on Military Entrusted Students, deleting the prescribed details,
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment and enabling the Minster of National Defense to inspect the status of
Regulations on Military No. 985 (May 30, military entrusted students reported by the Chief of Staff of each service
Entrusted Students 2019)
every semester and reflect the results thereof when approving the
educational plan for military entrusted students
• Amend the provisions so as not to impose any disciplinary action or penalty
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment as disciplinary action for any misbehavior recognized to have arisen while
Decree on Disciplinary No. 986 faithfully and proactively processing tasks by establishing and executing
Action Against Military (June 25, 2019) policies for public interests such as making improvements in unreasonable
• With the upgraded enactment of the Act that allows conditional consent
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment where the head of the relevant administrative agency consults with the
Protection of Military
No. 987
Bases and Installations (July 8, 2019) Minister of National Defense or the commander of the jurisdictional unit, etc.
for permission or other disposition in the protected area, amend the
provisions by deleting the relevant provisions
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment • Amend related provisions by amending the form to provide whether the
Decree on Disciplinary grounds for exemption are applicable in the resolution for disciplinary
No. 988
Action Against Military (August 6, 2019) action, etc. so as to be exempted from disciplinary action against positive
Personnel administration, etc.
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment • Amend the form to provide whether the grounds for exemption are
Act on the Management
No. 989
of Civilian Personnel in the (August 6, 2019) applicable in the resolution for disciplinary action, etc. so as to be exempted
from disciplinary action against positive administration, etc.
Military Service
Enforcement Rules on the Partial Amendment • With the amendment to the Organizational Setup of the MND and Its
Organizational Setup of No. 990 Affiliated Organizations (Presidential Decree No. 30041, promulgated and
the MND and Its Affiliated (August 13, 2019) enforced on August 13, 2019), reflect the modifications
• As the service period of servicemembers on active duty is gradually
Enforcement Rules of the Partial Amendment reduced, prepare the grounds for reducing the minimum service period to
Military Personnel No. 991 be promoted to private first class, corporal, and sergeant by one month
Management Act (August 27, 2019) and extend the minimum service period to be promoted up to one month
on account of the characteristics of each service
• With the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Military Pension Act
(Presidential Decree No. 1180, promulgated and enforced on September 3,
Partial Amendment
Enforcement Rules of the No. 993 2019), amend the relevant forms, such as the personal details report of
Military Pension Act people residing overseas and claim for payment of the remaining severance
(September 3, 2019)
benefits due to the elimination of the grounds to restrict payment, and
reflect such details
• With the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Defense Acquisition
Partial Amendment Program Act, (Presidential Decree No. 30090, promulgated and enforced
Enforcement Rules of the No. 995 on September 24, 2019), modify the subcommittee that reviews core
Defense Acquisition (September 24, technology proposals from its previous affiliation to the Policy and Planning
Program Act
2019) Subcommittee to the Defense Program Planning and Management