Page 114 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 114
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
• Allow military personnel to take emergency leave of up to 3 days in the
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment event of the death of their grandparents, maternal grandparents, children or
the Framework Act on No. 30065 spouses of their children, and servicemembers who have served for more
Military Status and (September 3, 2019) than half of their mandatory service period to take an emergency leave of
Service up to 2 days for their job-seeking activities such as employment counseling
and taking recruitment tests
• Amend the provisions to ensure that, when an investigation is ongoing or a
criminal proceeding is underway for a criminal activity where the military
personnel or a person who used to be military personnel may be punished
Partial Amendment
Enforcement Decree of No. 30066 by a sentence of imprisonment due to causes that arose during his or her
the Military Pension Act military service, and where a decision has been made to place him or her
(September 3, 2019)
on the wanted list because his or her whereabouts are unknown as he or
she has fled, suspend payment of 50/100 of the severance benefits until he
or she is removed from the wanted list or the notification thereof is lifted
Partial Amendment • Amend the provisions for reorganization by transferring the policy tasks of
Organizational Setup of
the Marine Corps HQ No. 30067 the force planning office and newly establishing the head of the policy office
(September 3, 2019) to efficiently perform the tasks and functions of the Marine Corps HQ
• Among the subcommittees of the Defense Acquisition Program Promotion
Committee, integrate the Policy and Planning Subcommittee, Program
Partial Amendment
Enforcement Decree of Management Subcommittee, and Military Logistics and Procurement
No. 30090
the Defense Acquisition (September 24, Subcommittee, which have been separately operated by promotional stage,
Program Act into the Defense Program Planning and Management Subcommittee
• Increase the prescribed number of members of each subcommittee from
20 to 26
Partial Amendment • Adjust the rank of unit commander of the Korea Armed Forces Athletic
Decree on Korea Armed No. 30121 Corps from a general-level officer or a field-grade officer to a grade-2 or
Forces Athletic Corps
(October 15, 2019) higher civilian personnel in the military
Enforcement Decree of
No. 30122
the Military Welfare Fund (October 15, 2019) • With the amendment to the Military Welfare Fund Act, reorganize related
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment • Require the Minister of National Defense to transmit the vaccination record
the Military Healthcare No. 30135 of servicemembers, etc. possessed by the MND to the head of the relevant
Act (October 22, 2019) central administrative agencies within 14 days of vaccination
• Set matters delegated by the Act and other matters necessary for
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment implementation thereof such as the methods and procedures of fact-finding
the Act on National
No. 30136
Defense and Military (October 22, 2019) surveys and announcements by requiring the Minister of National Defense
to conduct the fact-finding survey on an even-numbered year to report the
Installations Projects
results thereof by May 31st of the following year
Enforcement Decree of Partial Amendment • Stipulate the provisions delegated under the Act by specifying the scope of
the Military Aircraft devices that may be used for aviation prescribed under the Presidential
No. 30137
Airworthiness Certification (October 22, 2019) Decree to unmanned aerial vehicles, powered parachutes, powered
Act paragliders, etc.
• Add served units or organizations, branches, and military specializations to
Enforcement Decree of the military modifications to be verified by the head of the Military Manpower
the Act on the Report Partial Amendment Administration
and Disclosure of Military No. 30162
Service Records of Public (October 29, 2019) • Prepare the basis for requesting data from the Chief of Staff of each military
service for the head of the Military Manpower Administration to verify
Servants, Etc.
changes in military service of the person required to report
Enforcement Decree of • In order to reinforce the operational autonomy of the responsible
the Act on the administrative agencies in the military, adjust the scope of the right to
Assignment and Partial Amendment appoint civilian personnel in the military delegated to the head of the
No. 30185
Operation of Responsible (November 5, 2019) institution and allow the head of the institution to separately set the amount
Administrative Agencies and method of payment of the reward by the responsible administrative
in the Military agency in the military
2020 Defense White Paper