Page 109 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 109
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
Act on the Conferment of • As for the exploits of persons of distinguished service who were to be
Orders of Military Merit for Enactment No. decorated with the Orders of Military Merit for their distinguished service
Distinguished Services 16346 rendered during the Korean War but could not be actually awarded a
Rendered During the (April 23, 2019) medal, create the legal basis to confer upon them or the member of their
Korean War bereaved families the Orders of Military Merit
Act on the Report and Partial Amendment • In order to increase the effectiveness of the disclosure system of military
Disclosure of Military service information, for the military service information that a person is
No. 16347
Service Records of Public (April 23, 2019) obligated to report, add the military unit or agency and branch he or she
Servants, Etc. served and his military occupational specialization
Act on Establishment of Partial Amendment • Stipulate mandatory provisions to compose the curriculum of the Korea
the Korea Armed Forces No. 16348 Armed Forces Nursing Academy to be competent enough to award a
Nursing Academy (April 23, 2019) bachelor’s degree in nursing
• Recognizing that the monetary penalty was too weak compared to the
Act on the Repatriation, illegality of criminal acts such as receiving money or valuables by fraudulent
Treatment of the Republic Partial Amendment means by participating in repatriations of ROK Armed Forces Prisoners of
No. 16349
of Korea Armed Forces (April 23, 2019) War, the monetary penalty for such crimes was amended to imprisonment
Prisoners of War not exceeding 10 years or monetary penalty not exceeding 100 million won
in order to meet realistic standards
• Mandate the Minister of National Defense to conduct a fact-finding survey
concerning the current status of the building and use of national defense
and military installations every two years and report the outcome thereof to
Act on National Defense Partial Amendment
the relevant standing committee of the National Assembly
and Military Installations No. 16350 • Where, based on the outcome of the fact-finding survey, the State is
Projects (April 23, 2019)
confirmed to have failed to secure the source of right, such as ownership or
right to use, on the land used and occupied as national defense and military
installations, mandate the Minister to announce such fact publicly
• Stipulate the sharing of data such as personal information of persons who
Partial Amendment have been vaccinated and vaccination details thereof with the relevant
Military Healthcare Act No. 16351 central administrative agencies and the Korea Disease Control and
(April 23, 2019) Prevention Agency to ensure that the details of vaccination conducted by
the military are managed in an integrated manner
• In the definition of military installations, specify the research facilities and
Protection of Military Partial Amendment
test facilities or test sites for military use
Bases and Installations No. 16352 • Stipulate that the districts returned by the United States to the ROK are
Act (April 23, 2019)
deemed canceled as protection zones when the return thereof is complete
• Prepare the airworthiness certification for military aircraft temporarily
Military Aircraft Partial Amendment operated for research, experiment, export, or publicity
Airworthiness Certification No. 16353 • Stipulate allowing the Minister of the Defense Acquisition Program
Act (April 23, 2019) Administration to designate one of the specialized institutions as the main
airworthiness certification institution for each project for military aircraft
• Allow the Commandant of the Marine Corps who has been promoted or
Partial Amendment
Military Personnel No. 16354 transferred to another position after the end of his or her term of office to be
Management Act used for other purposes so as to capitalize on his or her expertise in various
(April 23, 2019)
fields without discharging him or her
• When a military personnel is deemed to have died in the line of duty as a
result of the re-examination by the Central Committee for Examination of
Partial Amendment Killed or Wounded in Action and Death or Injury in the Line of Duty, allow
Military Pension Act No. 16355(April 23, the initial date of prescription for compensation for death, retirement
2019) allowance, and condolence money to be the date his or her death was
confirmed so as to reinforce the privileges and compensation for the
bereaved family members
Partial Amendment
Military Service Act No. 16356 • Strengthen the service management of social work personnel and military
service management of public officials, etc.
(April 23, 2019)
Act on the Establishment Partial Amendment • Specify the mandatory regulations to ensure that the curriculum of the
of the Korea Army No. 16357 Korea Army Academy at Youngcheon is sufficiently structured to confer
Academy at Youngcheon April 23, 2019) degrees