Page 108 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 108
Modification of Laws and Regulations Under the
Jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Defense
Breakdown of Modified Legislation (December 1, 2018 - November 30, 2020)
Total Laws Presidential Decrees Ministerial Ordinances
157 43 66 48
Promulgation No.
Title Main Contents
• Reflected the amendments to the “Criminal Procedure Act” such as
Partial Amendment
Military Court Act No. 15983 allowing signatures in addition to name and seal as a method of verifying
the identity in relation to the documents and write summons for non-public
(December 18, 2018)
Special Act on the
Payment of Severance Partial Amendment • Extended the application deadline for severance benefits to June 30, 2021;
Benefits for allowed the Minister of National Defense to request registered entries,
No. 16029
Servicemembers Retiring (December 24, 2018) resident registration information, and family relations of people of national
Before December 31, merit from relevant agencies to carry out its tasks
• Since it has been pointed out in the enforcement rules that allowing the
Protection of Military Partial Amendment Minister of National Defense or the commander of the jurisdictional unit to
Bases and Installations No. 16030 set conditions and agree without any delegation of the parent law violates
Act (December 24, 2018) the principle of reservation of law, and such may infringe upon the rights of
the people, such details were specified in the Act
Partial Amendment
Military Mutual Aid • Modified the term relating to “remaining period” to help the public
Association Act No. 16031 understand the legal terms
(December 24, 2018)
Partial Amendment • Modified the "jeonse (deposit-based lease) loan account" to "residential
Military Welfare Fund Act No. 16032 support account" and added more types of residential support to the
(December 24, 2018) purposes, including the security deposit, to the residential support account
Partial Amendment • Provide rental fund for private housing, such as the interest for the fund
Framework Act on Military No. 16033 borrowed for lease deposit or security deposit, so as to provide the financial
(December 24, 2018) support required for the military personnel’s resident stability
• Prescribe matters to ensure that no military personnel is coerced into
Partial Amendment participating or restricted from participating in any religious rituals against
Framework Act on Military No. 16034 their will, and that all the necessary measures are enforced such as rapid
Status and Service
(December 24, 2018) protection of victims when they are faced with difficulties such as
infringement upon their basic rights
• Reinforce sexual crime as one of the reasons for disqualification of military
personnel to ensure that strict measures are enforced against any sexual
Partial Amendment
Military Personnel No. 16224 crime; clearly specify the reasons for disqualification of cadets; and allow
Management Act military personnel to take a leave of absence to take care of their
(January 15, 2019)
grandparents or grandchildren as allowed for public officials, thereby
striking a balance in the working conditions with public officials
• When hiring active military personnel or reserve forces who have become
physically disabled during combat or training related to an operation and
Act on the Management Partial Amendment
of Civilian Personnel in the No. 16315 their acts have set an example to other military personnel, prescribe
provisions to hire them through the career-based competitive examination
Military Service (April 16, 2019)
of appointment targeting a large number of people who fall under said
2020 Defense White Paper