Page 103 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 103


                                  Status of the Overseas Deployment
                                            of ROK Armed Forces

                     Total of 1,038 personnel deployed to 14 countries               As of November 2020
                                                               No. of            Initial   Rotation
                                       Classification                  Region
                                                              Personnel        Deployment  Cycle
                                        Dongmyeong Unit in Lebanon  280  Tyre   July 2007
                               Units                                                      8 months
                                         Hanbit Unit in South Sudan  270  Bor   March 2013
                                     UN Military Observer Group in India and   8  Srinagar  November
                                           Pakistan (UNMOGIP)                     1994
                                      UN Mission in the Republic of South   7  Juba  July 2011
                                            Sudan (UNMISS)
                                       UN-African Union Mission in Darfur
                      UN PKO                  (UNAMID)          1      Darfur   June 2009
                             Individuals                                                     ZFBS
                                      UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)  4  Naqoura  January 2007
                                       UN Mission for the Referendum in   3  Laayoune  July 2009
                                         Western Sahara (MINURSO)
                                      UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah   -  Al-Hudaydah  July 2019
                                           Agreement (UNMHA)
                                            Subtotal            573
                                                                       Coast of
                               Units  Cheonghae Unit in the Coast of Somalia  306  March 2009  6 months
                                      Combined Maritime                                      ZFBS
                                     Forces (CMF) in Bahrain  Staff officer  4  Manama  January 2008
                                     Combined Joint Task
                                         Force –     Coordination                            ZFBS
                                        Horn of Africa  officer  1     Djibouti  March 2009
                      Operations     US Central Command   Coordination   3  Florida  November   1 year
                        of   Individuals  (CENTCOM)    group                      2001
                     Multinational                   Coordination
                       Forces         US Africa Command  officer  1    Stuttgart  March 2016  1 year
                                                     Coordination               December
                                          Kuwait                2     Camp Arifjan         1 year
                                                       officer                    2019
                                     European Union Naval
                                      Force (EU NAVFOR)   Staff officer  1  Coast of   March 2020  1 year
                                         Somalia                       Somalia
                                            Subtotal            318
                       Defense   Units  Akh Unit in the United Arab Emirates  147  Abu Dhabi  January 2011  8 months
                      Activities            Subtotal            147
                                           Total               1,038
                       UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA): scheduled to resume the mission in 2021 due to COVID-19.

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