Page 98 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 98
Status of Defense Industry Cooperation Agreements
with Foreign Countries
Countries that have signed defense industry cooperation agreements (MOUs)
with the ROK: 39 countries
As of December 2020
Country Signed in Country Signed in Country Signed in Country Signed in
United States June 1988 Thailand Spain March 1992 France March 1992
UK Philippines May 1994 Israel August 1995 Indonesia October 1995
November November November
Canada May 1996 Germany Russia Romania
1997 1997 1997
December December
Netherlands June 1999 Turkey Venezuela Vietnam August 2001
1999 1999
December December
Ukraine Colombia May 2008 Egypt Ecuador January 2010
2006 2009
September September
Peru June 2010 UAE Norway Denmark May 2011
2010 2010
Poland May 2014 Chile August 2015 August 2015 Finland June 2016
Hungary July 2016 Botswana January 2017 Estonia Croatia February 2017
September February
Saudi Arabia Kazakhstan October 2017 Argentina Uzbekistan April 2019
2017 2019
New Zealand May 2019 Sweden June 2019 Paraguay October 2019
Status of other agreements (MOUs) on defense industry cooperation
As of December 2020
Classific International technical cooperation and Quality assurance agreements Agreement to provide price
ation protection agreements (18 countries) (24 countries) information (4 countries)
Multilateral* among the US, France, UK,
Israel, India, Colombia, Indonesia, US, UK, France, Spain, Switzerland,
Singapore, and Australia Canada, Netherlands, Denmark,
Australia, Philippines, Germany, Israel,
Country * Signed multilateral agreements with 14 Turkey, New Zealand, Poland, Czech US, UK, Germany, and
countries including the US (Australia, Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, Peru,
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Norway, Colombia, Vietnam, Pakistan,
Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Uzbekistan
Spain, Sweden, UK, US, and ROK)
2020 Defense White Paper