Page 95 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 95

which has served the function of preventing armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula, and develop the
                     mutual relationships between the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, the post-OPCON transition Combined
                     Forces Command, USFK, and the United Nations Command.
                      The ROK MND is to continue to develop capabilities to lead the combined defense, while the US DoD
                     provides bridging and enduring capabilities for the defense of the ROK.
                      The ROK MND is to expand its responsibilities in deterring external aggression, while the US DoD
                     continues to provide extended deterrence.
                      The ROK MND and US DoD are to engage regularly in consultations even after the transition of wartime
                     operational control in order to strengthen the combined defense posture.
                      Therefore, together in the recognition that the combined defense structure following the transition of
                     wartime operational control serves to strengthen further the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula
                     provided by the ROK–US Mutual Defense Treaty, the ROK MND and US DoD commit to strive towards
                     developing the Alliance in a mutually reinforcing and future-oriented manner.

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