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disaster relief. The Secretary highlighted the effective leadership of the ROK in response to COVID-19
and expressed appreciation for the personal protective equipment (PPE) support that the ROK provided
to the United States earlier this year. The two sides committed to continuing close coordination and
cooperation to deal with this global pandemic. The Minister also noted the COVID-19 support that the
United States and the ROK were providing to various nations in the region and the stringent measures
USFK was taking to ensure COVID-19 protection. The Secretary also separately expressed appreciation
for the ROK’s dedication and contribution to various global security efforts, including the Proliferation
Security Initiative. The Secretary and the Minister applauded the US–ROK Counter Weapons of Mass
Destruction (CWMD) efforts to enhance the Alliance’s combined response capabilities to prevent the
acquisition and use of WMD, and, if necessary, to respond to mitigate WMD threats. They resolved to
continue discussions about strengthening cooperation through the ROK–US Counter WMD Committee
(CWMDC), which has enhanced the Alliance CWMD capabilities.
17. The two leaders committed to continue US–ROK–Japan trilateral defense cooperation such as
information-sharing, high-level policy consultation, including the defense trilateral talks (DTT), combined
exercises, and personnel exchanges to maintain the peace and security of Northeast Asia.
18. The Secretary and the Minister reaffirmed that expedited USFK base relocations and land returns
including those of the Yongsan Garrison are in the interest of both countries and pledged to work
together closely on relevant matters, including environmental conditions, to ensure timely base returns in
accordance with the US–ROK Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The US side noted that seventeen
sites are ready for return to the ROK Government at this time. The Secretary and the Minister confirmed
their intent to continue to discuss relevant issues through the established processes of the US–ROK
SOFA Joint Committee.
19. The Secretary offered his appreciation for the ROK’s contributions toward ensuring a stable
stationing environment for US forces in Korea while emphasizing the importance of defense cost sharing.
The Secretary noted that the current lack of a Special Measures Agreement (SMA) could have lasting
effects for Alliance readiness if an expeditious agreement is not reached. The two sides concurred in the
necessity of expeditiously resolving the SMA negotiations, in a fair, equitable, and mutually agreeable
manner, particularly in light of the impact of the lapse on the ROK–US Alliance.
20. Secretary Esper and Minister Suh expressed appreciation for the courtesy, hospitality, and work by
both sides that contributed to the success of this year’s SCM. The Secretary and the Minister both
assessed that the discussions during the 52nd SCM and the 45th MCM contributed substantively to
strengthening the ROK–US Alliance and further enhanced the development of the bilateral defense
2020 Defense White Paper