Page 89 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 89
pledged to enhance deterrence through the implementation of many of the policy recommendations
from the Extended Deterrence Joint Study. The two leaders committed to make a long-term plan to
establish the conditions for the stable stationing of the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
battery at Camp Carroll as part of this commitment. The two leaders also pledged to explore jointly
measures to enhance the Alliance deterrence posture and implement the Tailored Deterrence Strategy
while considering the effects of changes in the security environment on the Peninsula and in the region.
7. The Secretary and the Minister received a report on the results of the US–ROK MCM from the US–
ROK Combined Forces Command (CFC) Commander, General Robert Abrams, which highlighted that
the combined defense posture is capable and ready to “Fight Tonight” and is prepared to respond
effectively to any security challenge. The Secretary expressed commitment to the CFC Commander’s
efforts to update operational plans and Alliance procedures to respond to situations on the Korean
Peninsula or in the region, considering changes in the operational environment relevant to the current
8. The Secretary and the Minister reaffirmed the need to continue to conduct combined exercises and
training events on the Peninsula to strengthen Alliance readiness. The two sides also assessed that the
20-2 Combined Command Post Training, undertaken despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and other
combined training events performed throughout the year in a balanced manner, added strength to the
US–ROK combined defense posture and military readiness. Each side assessed that the US–ROK
Alliance must continue to focus on military readiness and on the combined defense posture to address
the dynamic changes on the Peninsula.
9. The two leaders also emphasized that continuous training opportunities for USFK are critical to
maintaining a strong combined defense posture. The Secretary and the Minister concurred in the
importance of communication and cooperation between the ROK Ministry of National Defense (MND)
and USFK to coordinate for more effective and productive joint use of ROK facilities and airspace for the
USFK training required to maintain readiness within our strong combined defense posture. The two
leaders also committed to continue cooperation on and set tangible milestones for the development of a
combined joint multi-purpose live-fire training complex.
10. The Secretary and the Minister expressed appreciation for the CFC, which has played a central role
in deterring war on the Korean Peninsula and defending the ROK since its establishment in 1978. The
Secretary and the Minister reviewed preparations for the relocation of the CFC Headquarters (HQ) to
Camp Humphreys. The two leaders also expressed their expectation that the CFC HQ relocation would
contribute to an enhanced combined defense posture and shared the understanding that the relocation