Page 101 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 101

Number of   Membership
                                             Member States  Status of the
                                 Classification                            Main Contents
                                              (Effective/  ROK and North
                                              Established)  Korea
                      Biological   Organization for the   ROK   •  An executive body to monitor and inspect member
                        and   Prohibition of Chemical   193  (April 1997)   states to ensure their implementation of CWC
                      Chemical                (April 1997)  North Korea
                      Weapons   Weapons (OPCW)        (not a member)  obligations
                                                                •  Contributes to world peace and security by preventing
                                                110              the illicit trade of conventional weapons and their
                                Arms Trade Treaty   (December   (February 2017)   diversion
                                    (ATT)              North Korea
                                               2014)            •  Prescribes matters in relation to the regulations of
                                                      (not a member)
                                                                 international trade of conventional weapons
                                                                •  Full title: Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on
                                                                 the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May
                                                      ROK Protocol I   Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have
                                                       (May 2001)   Indiscriminate Effects
                                                       (Amended)   - Protocol I: prohibits the use of fragmentary
                                 (Convention on   125  Protocol II (May   ammunitions undetectable by X-rays
                               Certain Conventional   (December  2001) Protocol   - Protocol II: prohibits or restricts the use of mines,
                                Weapons (CCW)  1983)   V (January   booby traps and other devices
                                                       2008) North   - Protocol III: prohibits and restricts the use of
                                                       Korea (not a   incendiary weapons
                                                        member)  - Protocol IV: prohibits the use of blinding laser
                                                                 -Protocol V: regulates the explosive remnants of war
                                                                •  Requires all member states to register their status of
                                                         ROK     imports and exports records and possessions of
                              United Nations Register   193  (March 1993)   conventional arms at the UN
                               of Conventional Arms   (December
                                   (UNRCA)     1991)   North Korea   •  Seeks to enhance confidence by sharing information
                                                      (not a member)  on the conventional arms transfer and improving
                                                                 transparency in armaments
                                Convention on the               •  Complete prohibition of the production, use,
                               Prohibition of the Use,           stockpiling, and transfer of anti-personnel mines
                              Stockpiling, Production   164  Not acceded   •  Requires the destruction of anti-personnel mines
                               and Transfer of Anti-  (March   by the ROK/  (within 4 years for stockpiles; within 10 years for mines
                              Personnel Mines and on   1999)  North Korea  planted in the soil)
                              Their Destruction (Ottawa            *  If inevitable, the deadline may be extended by 10
                                  Convention)                     years
                                                                •  Complete prohibition of the production, use,
                                                110   Not acceded
                               Convention on Cluster   (August   by the ROK/  stockpiling, and transfer of cluster munitions
                                Munitions (CCM)                    *   Current stockpiled cluster munitions should be
                                               2010)   North Korea
                                                                  destroyed within 8 years

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