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disestablishment or relocation, the MND is striving to address the residential
               inconvenience of servicemembers by providing priority support for repairing aged
               facilities in consideration of the period during which the facilities have been in use
               and the conditions of each unit.

               Improving the Quality of   The MND continues to improve clothing and
               Clothing and Other         personal gears to maintain the combat mission
               Personal Gears             execution capabilities of servicemembers and
                                          increase their satisfaction with their barracks life.
                 First, regarding combat clothing, the MND distributed 22,000 uniforms that
               have been upgraded to a flame-resistant two piece uniform in order to ensure the
               survivability of crew members and improve the wearing comfort for all tracked
               vehicle crew members in 2019. To guarantee the conditions for combat missions
               during hot season, a new patrol cap with a visor (Army) will be provided to replace
               combat shirts and berets starting 2020 while combat goggles will be supplied to all
                 In connection with clothing that servicemembers use and wear most frequently

               <Improved and Newly Distributed Combat Uniforms>                                        Chapter 7

                Tracked vehicle crew uniform  Flame-resistant navy   Combat shirt  Combat goggles
                                      working uniform
               <Quality Improvement for Clothes / Gears Suitable for Ordinary Life>

                   Track shoes      Padded jumper      Sports cap     Water bottle

               during their military life, padded jumpers were supplied to front-line soldiers in 2019
               and were further distributed to all enlisted servicemembers in the following year.
               The MND also improved the quality of running shoes and sports caps, and expanded
               the distribution of running shirts and underwear, considering the preference of
               servicemembers. In addition, the MND plans to provide a variety of supplies which

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People    271
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