Page 268 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 268

Use of Proper Language

                            In keeping with the growing  impor-
                            tance of human rights and as verbal
                            violence such as abusive language and
                            swear words causes various accidents
                            and incidents in the military, the ROK
                            Armed Forces is making efforts to   A course from the Korean Language Culture
                                                              Outreach School
                            create a culture based on communi-
                            cation, consideration toward others, and mutual respect among servicemembers by
                            promoting the use of proper language in barracks.
                             To promote the use of proper language among servicemembers, the MND has
                            published a guideline on language use in barracks and a comic book on the use of
                            appropriate language in barracks, and updated a special digital comic series on
                            The Korea Defense Daily. The MND also selects the "Barracks Language Leading
                            Unit". In addition, in collaboration with the National Institute of Korean Language,
                            the MND encourages servicemembers to take "Korean Language Culture Outreach
                            School" courses.
                             In the future, guided by the belief that "a positive barracks culture begins with
                            language that shows respect and consideration for others", the MND will continue to
                            develop effective ways to ensure the use of proper language among servicemembers.

                            Identifying and            To ensure that servicemembers complete their
                            Resolving Difficulties     military service in a healthy manner, the MND

                                                       operates a variety of systems to identify diffi-
                            culties that they might face during their service period and to resolve them in a
                            timely manner. Servicemembers who are accustomed to living in free environments
                            could receive more stress or face more difficulties due to the controlled environment
                            and group living. As a proactive mea-
                            sure to control the factors that may
                            interfere with adjustment to military
                            service, the MND conducts periodic
                            personality tests in four stages and
                            offers various programs including
                            assigning professional counselors in
                            battalions and lower units and the
                            Green Camp to provide psychological   On-the-spot counseling

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