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of psychiatric issues, among others,
                            through social security services for
                            psychology, welfare, and employment
                            even after their discharge.
                             The MND is enhancing the expertise
                            of suicide prevention instructors by
                            providing them with commissioned
                            training at professional institutions,   (Army) Cultivating suicide prevention instructors
                            and these instructors are carrying out
                            itinerant education at each region for key personnel related to unit manage-ment such
                            as commanders.
                             In addition, to ensure the early stabilization of the unit where suicide incident has
                            occurred and the psychological stability of those involved, the MND will continue
                            to endeavor to embed a culture of respect for life by requiring commanders to
                            participate in suicide prevention education and establishing a healing program model
                            for post-management.

                            [Chart 7-4] Number of Suicide Prevention Instructors Trained by Year
                                                                              (As of 2020, unit: persons)
                             Year  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020
                             No. of   540  434  550  534  653  664  668  822  650   808   377

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