Page 266 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 266

[Chart 7-1]  Survey on the Perception of Servicemembers Toward Off-Post Activiities
                                    after Working Hours on Weekdays
                                                                      Postive  Negative  Don’t know

                                   89.6%                  90.5%                   89.1%

                              Relieves the sense of     Alleviates stress      Unity among unit
                                  isolation                                      members
                            *  Source: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA, 2019)

                            hours on weekdays have a positive impact not only inside the military but also outside
                            the military. Off-post activities relieve the sense of isolation and stress as well as
                            promote unity among unit members and strengthen mutual prosperity with the local
                            community. The MND plans to steadfastly allow off-post activities after working
                            hours on weekdays to ensure sufficient rest and autonomy of servicemembers.

                            Fostering a Barracks Culture
                            that Respects Cultural Diversity

                            The ROK society is undergoing rapid
                            trans-formation into a multicultural

                            society as the number of registered
                            foreign nationals has increased from
                            850,000 in 2008 to 1.27 million in   An event inviting children from multicultural families
                            2019; hence it is necessary for the   on Children’s Day
                            military to recognize diversity as well. The MND has continued to make efforts to
                            create a barracks culture where social minorities, including servicemembers from
                            multicultural families, can live together as fellow members with others without being
                            subject to discrimination.
                             The MND will further reinforce education to enhance servicemembers’ awareness
                            of the multicultural society and establish related systems so as to improve the level of
                            understanding of cultural diversity among service-members and prevent any dispute
                            between members arising from discriminatory treatment. Through these efforts,
                            the MND will facilitate cultural diversity in barracks to contribute to fostering of a
                            creative barracks culture.

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