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those with no high school diploma are provided with support for purchasing learning
                            materials and one-on-one learning instructors to obtain academic qualifications (a
                            pass in the GED test).
                             To help servicemembers acquire state-certified technical qualifications, the MND
                            offers biannual tests for 81 national technical qualification tests including the test
                            for industrial engineer information processing, and all-year-round tests for heavy
                            equipment (forklift and excavator) operator. Through these tests, around 18,000
                            servicemembers acquire national technical qualifications every year.

                            Financial Support for   Since 2018, the MND has been implementing the
                            Self-Development        self-development cost support system  for enlisted
                                                    servicemembers to finance part of the cost required
                            for self-development so as to guarantee the self-development conditions for
                            servicemembers. Each servicemember receives up to KRW 100,000 a year to cover
                            language and qualification examination fees and costs for purchasing learning
                            materials. As such, the MND will continue to expand related budgets to guarantee
                            the self-development conditions.

                            3.  Advancing Residential Support Programs for Career Servicemembers

                            Guaranteeing a stable residential environment is a crucial element that affects
                            the mission execution capabilities and morale of career servicemembers. To this

                            end, under the Framework Act on Military Welfare, the MND supports career
                            servicemembers by providing official residences and officer’s quaters and lease
                            support for civilian houses, and is implementing various residential support
        14)                 policies such as preferential supply of civilian houses to servicemembers to raise
        The self-development
        support system for   the percentage of homeowners among career servicemembers. In April 2020 in
        servicemembers began
        in 2018 as a pilot project   particular, the military residential policy division was established under the MND’s
        (KRW 100 million budget,
        annual support of KRW   Military Installations Planning Bureau; thus laying the foundation for integrated
        50,000 per individual,
        50% co-payment), and   and systematic development of military housing. To increase servicemembers’
        its budget was expanded
        to KRW 2 billion in 2019   satisfaction with housing and to create conditions that allow them to focus on their
        (annual support of KRW
        50,000 per individual, 50%   duties, the MND plans to implement a wide variety of policies to minimize the
        co-payment) and KRW
        8 billion in 2020 (annual   burden on the national defense budget while reasonably improving the poor living
        support of KRW 100,000
        per year, 20% co-payment).  conditions of career servicemembers.

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