Page 280 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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are managed by servicemembers and civilian military employees in each unit, who
                            are rather unprofessional, which results in inefficient management. Cognizant of the
                            need for efficient and professional facility management to maintain the quality and
                            ensure the long-term use of the residential facilities, the MND is currently seeking to
                            promote integrated management for each region through outsourcing to the private
                            sector. To this end, the MND launched a pilot program for the consigned
                            management of residential facilities in the 1st Corps region in January 2018, and
                            converted approximately 30,000 households to consigned management by 2019.
                            Also, the MND is gradually expanding consigned management of residential
                            facilities. In October 2018, to ensure the proper maintenance and repair of facilities,
                            the MND established the "standards of responsibilities for repairing military
                            residential facilities" to clarify the distribution of repair responsibilities between the
                            state and individuals. By maintaining residential facilities in good condition through
                            acceptable budget and responsibility distribution, the MND will continue to make
                            efforts to help servicemembers and their family members live in a more pleasant

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