Page 285 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 285

Acquiring Civilian Medical Workforce   To resolve the problem of medical
               and Enhancing the Expertise of        assistance being provided by unqua-
               Military Medical Workforce            lified medics within military medi-
                                                     cal institutions, the MND has hired
               886 civilian medical personnel, including pharmacists, radiologists, and clinical
               pathologists in military hospitals and division-level medical corps with civilian
               workforce. Moreover, to prevent the deterioration of expertise and proficiency of
               medical personnel due to the practice of primarily assigning short-term medical
               officers and rotation of nursing personnel, the "Defense Personnel Management
               Directive" has been revised to ensure that long-term medical officers in clinical
               positions and nursing officers with specialization serve for a long period of time at
               the Armed Forces Capital Hospital and surgery-intensive hospitals.
                 In association with public medical university, the MND plans to devise measures
               for acquiring long-term medical officers, and secure budgets and improve the system
               to expand the application of medical officers for long-term services. The MND also
               seeks to provide night allowances so as to secure nursing personnel, which is in
               manpower shortage.

               Establishing and Operating the   The ROK Armed Forces is gearing up to
               Armed Forces Trauma Center      open the "Armed Forces Trauma Center"
                                               to secure their own treatment capacity for              Chapter 7
               traumas, such as gunshot wounds and blast injuries that usually occur only in the
               military, according to choice and concentration.

                 Currently, the MND has acquired the facilities and equipment to meet MOHW
               standards for designation of regional trauma centers, and, is preparing to allow
               patients to receive high-quality trauma treatment in cooperation with the Seoul
               National University Bundang Hospital.
                 To enhance the capabilities of the Korea Armed Forces Capital Hospital, the MND
               has conducted consulting on development strategies for trauma centers and relevant
               hospitals through external experts, and plans to continue its cooperation with the
               private sector.

               Joint Operation of Government-Wide   In order to respond to emergency pati-
               Air Ambulances and Reinforcement     ents in the military, the MND is en-
               of Cooperation with Firefighters     hancing government-wide coopera-
                                                    tion in relation to utilizing assets for
               emergency patients medical evacuation and nurturing professional workforce.

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