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religious beliefs, etc.
                             On December 28, 2018, to develop a reasonable alternative service program that
                            strikes a balance between the "obligation to serve in the military" and the "freedom
                            of conscience", the MND prepared an alternative service legislative bill that includes
                            36 months joint training at correction facilities and submitted the bill to the National
                            Assembly on April 2019. Subsequently, on December 31 of the same year, the Act on
                            the Assignment and Performance of Alternative Service ("Alternative Service Act")
                            was promulgated, taking effect on January 1, 2020.
                             In June of the same year, after completing the enactment and revision of statutes
                            at the lower hierarchical levels such as the Enforcement Decree of the Alternative
                            Service Act and the organization of a review committee for alternative service, the
                            committee began its review on July 15 and determined 730 people for assignment to
                            alternative service by November. In 2020, a total of 106 people have been assigned
                            to alternative service, and they are currently serving in corrective facilities such as
                            Daejeon Prison.

                            3. Military Justice System Reform

                            Building a Military Justice  The MND is pursuing military justice system
                            System that Guarantees       reform to protect servicemembers’ human
                            Independence and Fairness    rights and right to a fair trial, and to improve
        Convening authorities                            the independence and fairness of military
        are commanders of the
        units where military courts   courts and prosecutors. As such, it announced the tasks for military judicial reform
        are set up (Article 7 of
        the Military Court Act).   on February 12, 2018.
        They are given the right to
        confirm the decisions of   To substantially guarantee servicemembers’ right to a trial, the MND decided to
        military courts and reduce
        stipulated sentences by   transfer the jurisdiction over appellate trials to civilian courts. The first-instance
        up to one-third in cases
        wherein the accused   military courts will be located in five areas, and they will report directly to the
        committed crimes in
        the course of actively   MND; the local military courts will be helmed by civilian legal practitioners.
        performing their duties,
        such as operations,   In addition, a decision was made to abolish the convening authorities’ right to
        education, and training,   confirmation of judgments  and the appointment of field officers as lay judges . To
        with due diligence (Article
        379 of the Military Court   ensure the independence of military judges, the MND plans to establish a personnel
                            management committee dedicated to military judges for the handling of promotion
        A unique feature of a   recommendations and reappointment reviews and prohibition of military judges
        military trial wherein
        field officers who are not   from taking other legal positions such as judge advocate or military prosecutor. As
        qualified as judges get
        appointed as lay judges   such, the MND is promoting the revision of the Military Court Act so as to legislate
        and try cases along with
        military judges.    such measures for military judicial reform.

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