Page 292 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 292

Enhancing Human Rights Protection    Since 2009, the MND has enacted
                            in Investigative Procedures         and implemented the "Directive on
                                                                the Protection of Human Rights in
                            the Military Investigation Procedures" in order to strengthen the level of ensuring
                            human rights in military investigation procedures.
                             Starting in July 2018, the MND reinforced the rights of suspects, even during
                            interviews without any report written, to defend themselves by allowing them to
                            seek legal counsel and to minimize the shock experienced by families and friends
                            of suspects during arrests, detentions, seizures, and searches. In addition, the MND
                            clarified the standard for rests provided to suspects, requiring investigators to let
                            suspects rest for at least 10 minutes every two hours, and also introduced the legal
                            basis for allowing victims of military crimes to select and request public defenders as
                            legal counsel.
                             In 2020, the MND revised all directives to ban pretext investigations  and
                            unnecessary delays in investigations aimed at putting pressure on suspects, and
                            restricted investigations exceeding 12 hours or late-night investigations starting at
                            9:00 p.m. or later. Meanwhile, the MND allowed not only suspects but also other
                            parties subject to investigation, victims, and witnesses to request the participation of
                            legal counselors and to record the investigation without any particular restriction.

                            Improving the Servicemember    In response to the argument regarding the
                            Disciplinary System            constitutionality of confinement facilities
                                                           in the military and its possible violation of

                            the constitutional requirement of warrants, the MND has improved the service-
        A method of investigation   member disciplinary system to protect the human rights of servicemembers. The
        wherein, during the
        process of clarifying the   Military Personnel Management Act and the Military Service Act were revised to
        charges for a certain   replace confinement facilities, among the types of disciplinary actions, with
        crime, an investigative
        agency investigates a case   disciplinary training, and newly established the system of wage cuts and reprimand.
        unrelated thereof to clarify
        the criminal charges of its   For discipline training in particular, the days of disposal will no longer be included in
        original purpose.
                            the service period to maintain the punitive effect of the confinement facilities.
        Warrants issued by   Unlike confinement facilities, discipline training is a human rights-friendly
        a judge through due
        procedures should be   training oriented toward compliance and human rights education based on under-
        presented when imposing
        compulsory procedures   standing of the characteristics of military communities. The training is expected to
        during criminal procedures
        (arrest, detention, seizure   be provided at units above divisions or brigades to promote servicemembers’ human
        or search) (Constitution,
        Article 12 (3).)    rights while firmly establishing discipline within.

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