Page 294 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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                               5       Reinforcing Support for
                                       Discharged and Retiring


                                       and Privileges for War Veterans

                            In order to support all servicemembers leaving the ROK Armed Forces in their efforts
                            to find a place in the civilian society, the ROK Armed Forces is making improvements
                            in providing various kinds of employment support, including setting career paths and
                            cultivating job skills during military service, preparing a system for military service to lead
                            to quality jobs, and increasing the number of suitable jobs internally and externally. The
                            MND exerts various efforts to honor the sacrifices and endeavors of war veterans.

                            1.  Reinforcing Employment Support for Servicemembers Preparing
                              for Discharge

                            Enhancing Career Paths and    As part of the Plan for Employment and Busi-
                            Employment Support            ness Startup of Young Servicemembers, the
                            for Servicemembers            MND has been implementing the Young
                                                          Servicemember SOS Project  since 2018 to
                            provide step-by-step support during the entire cycle of military service from

                            enlistment and service to discharge.
                             The first phase of the plan supports young servicemembers in setting their career
                            paths through education and counseling and runs the "Career Assistance Education"
        A job fair for
        nearing discharge   and "One-on-One Employment Counseling" to assist servicemembers with job
        held in 2019
                            competencies in getting a job immediately after discharge. Career Assistance
        25)                 Education is offered by civilian professional counselors who pay personal visits
        As part of the plan aimed at
        facilitating the employment   to each unit for the convenience of servicemembers, in which servicemembers
        and business startup of   can then select either the Career Instruction Course or the Employment Support
        young servicemembers,
        and as a joint project with   Course based on their preference. The courses consist of joint education on
        the Ministry of SMEs and
        Startups and the Ministry of   career exploration and designing as well as the government’s youth employment
        Employment and Labor, it
        enhances the employment   policies, followed by tailored education specific to each course. The One-on-One
        and business capabilities of
        servicemembers until they   Employment Counseling, also offered by civilian professional counselors who
        are matched with SMEs
        and venture companies.   pay personal visits to each unit, provides professional counseling to address the
        SOS here means "Soldiers
        on SMEs and Startups".  concerns of servicemembers with regard to their career paths and employment after

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