Page 298 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 298

[Chart 7-11] Plans on the Use of Military Career Certificate Outside the Military

                               Education and   Job performance        Ministry of Education
                                 training                               (college credits)
                                                         Military                       Use
                                   Military experience   career                        outside
                                     based on NCS                                       the
                                                        certificate   Ministry of Labor and
                                                                     Employment, Ministry of   military
                              Self-development  Barracks life          SMEs and Startups
                                                                    (recognized by companies)

                            2.  Pension System That Reflects the Characteristics of Military Service

                            Meaning and Characteristics of the  The military pension system is aimed
                            Military Pension System            at fostering stable living conditions and
                                                               improving the welfare benefits for
                            servicemembers and their families by providing proper remuneration to service-
                            members in retirement after years of faithful service or to their family members in
                            case of the servicemember’s death. Servicemembers perform duties that pose risks
                            to their lives such as taking part in battles and dangerous exercises, and most live and
                            work in remote or forward areas under harsh working conditions that involve
                            military operations and long periods of standby duty. As they have to retire at the age
                            set for each rank, however, most retire between the ages of 45 and 56 when the level
                            of living expenses tends to be highest due to the expenditure on education for their
                            children, etc.
                             The military pension system, which reflects such unique circumstances of military

                            service, not only serves the basic purpose of a pension system as a social insurance
                            that ensures income for one’s later years but also works as a national program that
                            guarantees stable livelihood for servicemembers retiring early and compensates
                            those who sacrifice themselves for the country.
                             Military pension plays an important role in helping career servicemembers
                            focus on their duties without having to worry about their life after retirement.
                            Other developed countries also provide more preferential benefits to military
                            pension compared to other public pension programs in consideration of the unique
                            characteristics of military pension.

                            Improving the Military   In December 2019, the Military Pension Act was
                            Pension System          revised to introduce the "Pension Split" provision
                                                    that–to protect the livelihood of divorced spouses in
                            their twilight years–grants a divorced spouse a pro-rata part of his or her spouse’s

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