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counseling, technology, and funds to teams with excellent items to help them achieve
                            actual commercialization. This policy of fostering startup talents continues to
                            contribute to developing potential startup capabilities of young servicemembers and
                            making military service more productive.

                            Employment Support for    The MND is improving its tailored support for
                            Medium-and Long-Term      mid-to long-term servicemembers who have ser-
                            Servicemembers            ved for five years or more. Improvements are
                                                      made in the education system for career change
                            and the duration of support for career change is being expanded. Starting in 2019, the
                            scope of personnel entitled to receive education on military service planning
                            education was extended beyond captains and sergeants first class to cover second
                            lieutenants and staff sergeants to help servicemembers understand the overall lives
                            of military personnel and design their own initiative-driven military careers.
                             Since 2020, the MND has operated the "tailored basic education for career change"
                            course for each future career goal of cadres preparing for discharge to help them
                            prepare for their career change systematically and reliably, and has opened and
                            operated additional intensive courses for applicants who have completed basic
                             On the other hand, since 2017, to help medium-term servicemembers find
                            employment opportunities, the MND has granted transition periods of one to three
                            months depending on each servicemember’s number of years in service and has
                            allowed all medium-term servicemembers to prepare for career change early through

                            mandatory career education 2 years prior to their discharge.
                             Long-term servicemembers who have served for 10 years or more are provided
                            with career planning education during service and career education two years prior
                            to discharge. They are also offered with basic education and a variety of tailored
                            professional education during a 10- to 12-month period of support for career change,
                            thus giving them sufficient opportunities to get a job based on enhanced employment

                            Securing Jobs for Retiring  In conjunction with the government’s job policy,
                            Servicemembers              the MND is seeking to increase jobs in the
                                                        defense domain by finding employment posi-
                            tions in and out of the military and developing jobs for servicemembers nearing their
                            discharge to utilize their occupational capabilities and military career.
                             First, under Defense Reform 2.0, the MND continues to find and secure positions

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