Page 300 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Recovering the remains at Arrowhead Hill    Prime Minister visiting the excavation site in DMZ

                             Furthermore in 2019, recovery and family outreach personnel considerably
                            increased . The Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Korean War KIA Remains
                            Recovery was also revised to include provisions to pay prescribed rewards  to those
                            participating in DNA samples collection and also to the families when the remains
                            have been identified. Consequently, DNA sampling more than doubled since 2018.
                             In December 2020, the MND completed the construction of the Identification
                            Center which will improve remains management and the systematic and scientific
                            process of identification.

                            [Chart 7-12] Remains Recovered by Year
                                                                            (As of December 2019, unit: sets)
                              Category  Total   2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019
                              recovered  12,181 5,599  1,387  1,041  736  913  622  429  448  376  630
                             ROK military
        28)                 personnel and  10,607  4,705  1,300  989  671  809  561  387  420  362  403
        Excavation personnel was   police officers
        increased from 8 teams to
        12 teams, and personnel   * Cumulative total of recovered remains: 12,181 sets in total / including 261 sets of remains found in DMZ (Arrowhead Hill).

        inquiring with bereaved   **  The recovery results for 2019 are subject to change depending on the final identification results.
        families was increased from
        1 team to 4 teams.
        29)                 [Chart 7-13]  DNA Sampling of Bereaved Families and Identification of KIAs during
        A reward of KRW 10,000       Korean War
        is given to each sample                                     (As of December 2019, unit: cases, persons)
        provider, KRW 100,000 is        2000-
        awarded to a person who   Category  Total  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019
        is found to be a bereaved
        family member, and KRW   DNA
        10 million is given for   sampling  53,364 13,572  4,252  4,765  4,005  2,645  2,921  4,041  4,072  4,155  8,936
        those who have provided
        samples and once the   Identity
        identity of the excavated   verification   139  61  7  11  5  17  8  9  9    4    8
        remains is verified.
        (Article 12 of the Act on the
        Excavation of the Remains
        of Soldiers Killed in the
        Korean War and attached   The MND is also redoubling efforts on remains recovery international cooperation.
        Table 3 of its Enforcement
        Decree)             Annual meetings and joint remains recovery is conducted in cooperation with the

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