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establishment of the military human rights protection office, the MND will actively
                            work together with the relevant authorities in the legislative process. A mutual
                            cooperation system will be established with the military human rights protection
                            office to guarantee its authority such as visits to military units and investigation
                            rights, thereby strengthening the human rights protection function for service-

                            Reinforcing Human Rights        The goal of human rights education in the
                            Education for Military Personnel  military is to raise awareness of service-
                                                            members regarding their rights and res-
                            ponsibilities as "citizens in uniform" and spread a barracks culture driven by respect
                            for human rights. To this end, the MND as well as each military service and the
                            National Human Rights Commission of Korea have been implementing systematic
                            education policies based on close cooperation. Specific policies include: human
                            rights education tailored to individual service cycles and individual units;
                            invitational lectures by human rights experts for commanding officers; on the job

        17)                 training for human rights workers and instructors in the healthcare, investigation,
        It is an integrated
        national defense human   correction, judge advocate, and discipline sectors; promotion of online human rights
        rights system where
        servicemembers can   education; and development and distribution of human rights education contents that
        apply for human rights   involve the participation of servicemembers. In particular, the MND plans to develop
        counseling and file a
        petition for investigations.   and distribute tailored teaching plans in cooperation with the National Human
        Servicemembers are
        allowed to request   Rights Commission of Korea to use them for human rights education of
        counseling or investigation
        with regard to any   servicemembers in each unit. Through these efforts, the MND plans to foster a
        human rights violation or
        discrimination and confirm   barracks culture that respects the dignity and rights of military personnel.
        the progress and results
        * How to apply for
        counseling and      Improving Human Rights Protection   In keeping with the changes in how
        investigation: Use the
        "Military Human Rights   Systems for Servicemembers    servicemembers regard  human rights,
        Guardian" linked through
        the MND website on the                                 the MND, while pursuing cooperation
        Internet or Intranet
        •  nternet (currently   with civil society, strives to revise relevant statutes and improve the human rights
         available in Korean
         only): MND website   protection system that is currently in place. A human rights impact assessment,
         → Go straight to Key   which had been conducted only when statutes and administrative rules related to
         Information → Military
         Human Rights Guardian   human rights were revised, has been further expanded to cover policies and systems.
         → Click "Apply for Human
         Rights Counseling and   As such, the Military Human Rights Guardian  system was launched to allow
        •  ntranet: National Defense   servicemembers to easily request human rights counseling and file a petition for
         Hub → Counseling/
         Proposal → Military   investigation. To eliminate blind spots, the MND runs the National Defense Human
         Human Rights Guardian
         → Click "Human     Rights Monitoring Group and conducts surveys on the human rights status of
         Rights Counseling and
         Investigation"     servicemembers, and promotes the improvement of human rights policies in line

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