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and treatment of confirmed patients. Moreover, the MND transformed the Armed
                            Forces hospitals in Daegu, Daejeon, and Goyang into national hospitals for infectious
                            diseases, and provided mobile medical clinics and mobile remote treatment
                             To reinforce the ROK Armed Forces’ ability to deal with infectious diseases, the
                            MND plans to improve military hospital facilities for infectious disease treatment
                            and establish a medical response system centered around the AFMC, along with
                            other means such as obtaining supplies and equipment against epidemics and
                            enhancing medical training against disasters.

                            2.  Enhancing Medical Accessibility and Expertise through Public–
                              Private Cooperation

                            Enhancing Access to    Previously, servicemembers had to obtain a medical
                            Civilian Hospitals     officer’s opinion and permission from the head of the
                                                   unit to use civilian hospitals. However, considering
                            the increase in preference for advanced technology used in civilian hospitals, the
                            approval process has been simplified for easier access.
                             After carrying out a series of two pilot projects from 2018 to June 2019, the
                            "Directive on Medical Treatment under the Health Insurance for Servicemembers in
                            Active Duty" was revised in December 2019, which allowed all servicemembers to
                            go off post and receive treatment from a civilian hospital with an approval of the unit

                            commander alone.
                             The MND also plans to introduce a military group insurance scheme, depending
                            on individual preferences, to finance the medical expenses previously paid by
                            servicemembers when using civilian hospitals instead of military hospitals. To
                            implement new scheme, the MND established pertinent statutory provisions by
                            revising the Military Service Act and the Enforcement Decree of the Military
                            Healthcare Act in 2020, and secured the relevant budget to implement the project
                            from 2021.
                             The MND will strive to increase the servicemembers’ civilian hospital accessi-
                            bility and improve their treatment options of servicemembers, and ensure that the
                            state remains fully responsible for any servicemember who sustains any illness or
                            injury during his or her military service and provide appropriate medical services.

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