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of quality agricultural, livestock, and fisheries products and reinforce the cooking
               capabilities within the military through cooking classes for military cooks and
               culinary competition for servicemembers. The MND will steadfastly strengthen its
               cooperation in various fields to improve the quality and taste of military meals.

               2.  Expanded Self-Development Opportunities During Military Service

               Education Tailored to Each    To encourage the self-development of each
               Educational Attainment and    servicemember, the MND offers a variety of
               Acquisition of Certificate    opportunities such as providing education
                                             tailored to each educational attainment and
               supporting servicemembers’ acquisition of certificates. With tailored learning, the
               MND provides "Distance Learning Course" and "credit recognition for military
               service" for those who join the military while attending university. Distance
               Learning Course allows servicemembers to take and earn credits from official online
               courses of the universities that they attended before they began their service. As of
               2020, 161 universities, including Seoul National University, are participating in this
               initiative and 50% of the tuition has been subsidized since 2019 to increase the
               attendance rate. The credit system for military service, on the other hand, recognizes   Chapter 7
               the educational experience of servicemembers obtained through education and
               training during their military service as academic credits. Starting with 11
               universities, including Kyungin National University of Education, in 2019, a total of
               35 universities including Seoul National University are now participating in the   •  Self-study system: In
                                                                                      order to offer self-taught
               system. High school graduates are provided support to obtain a (professional)   students an opportunity
                                                                                      to earn a bachelor’s
               bachelor̕s degree associated with the self-study system and e-MU  universities, and   degree, the state awards
                                                                                      a bachelor’s degree to
                                                                                      those who pass the four-
                                                                                      stage qualification exam
               [Chart 7-8] Tailored Learning and National Technical Qualification Year-On-Year Report  (general education →
                                                                                      basic core → advanced
                                                    (As of December 2020, unit: courses and persons)  core → comprehensive
                        Category          2016    2017    2018     2019    2020      •  Electronic-Military
                                                                                      University (e-MU): A
                 No. of universities offering distance   134  141  145  154  161      system for graduates
                      learning courses                                                of military specialized
                No. of universities offering recognized   -  -  -   17      35        high schools to earn a
                    credits for military service                                      (professional) bachelor’s
                                                                                      degree from universities
                 No. of personnel with recognized                                     that entered into an
                educational attainments equal to those   1,838  492  258  117  89     agreement with the
                    of high school graduates                                          military (6 universities)
                 Servicemembers who acquired a   20,653  19,436  19,530  17,920  5,690  from corporals to
                  national technical qualification                                    salaried volunteer
                                                                                      servicemembers for a
               *  No practical test held to acquire national technical qualification in the second half of 2020 due to COVID-19.  limited term.

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People    275
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