Page 48 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 48

To this end, the ROK Armed Forces plans to lay the legal foundation for maintaining political

           neutrality and to continue to expand the involvement of the public voice in the policy making
           process. In addition, the ROK Armed Forces will establish and implement active measures to
           eradicate corruption in defense acquisition program and take strong measures to reduce the

           defense budget by raising the eff iciency of national defense operation.

           |  Instilling a High-Morale Military Culture that Accompanies the People and Invokes

           Public Trust  |    To help servicemembers focus on their combat missions, the ROK Armed
           Forces will protect the human rights of the servicemembers, radically improve their working
           conditions, and reform the culture of servicemembers that keeps up with changing times. In

           addition, by promoting the benef its for the people and providing active support during the
           emergencies, the ROK Armed Forces will build a military with public conf idence, as well as
           invokes their trust and support.

           |    Building a Foundation for Peace Establishment through Inter-Korean Military
           Confidence Building and Arms Control  |    To resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and

           shape the conditions to establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, the ROK Armed
           Forces will work towards military de-escalation and inter-Korean conf idence building. The
           ROK Armed Forces will establish military assurance to the evolving inter-Korean exchanges
           and cooperation and will seek substantial measures for arms control as denuclearization and the

           establishment of the peace regime progresses.

           3. Military Strategy

             Military strategy seeks the military strategic objectives aimed to materialize the national

           security strategy and national defense policy as well as the concept of operation and the direction
           of military force development to meet the objective.

           |  Objective  |    In consideration of rapid changes in the security environment, the ROK Armed
           Forces is preparing for North Korean threats, other potential threats, and nonmilitary threats
           simultaneously. The objective of the military strategy is to deter provocations and invasions

           46    Chapter 2  National Security Strategy and Defense Policy
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