Page 52 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Third, the ROK Armed Forces is working on enacting and revising laws related to defense

           reform. In recognition of the fact that a consistent and continuous reform should be supported
           by the law, the ROK Armed Forces identif ied 60 acts and regulations that require enactment
           or revision. From the 17 acts identif ied, the ROK Armed Forces are currently pursuing the

           enactment and revision of 14. The ROK Armed Forces plans to launch the enactment or revision
           process for all the other acts and regulations by the end of 2019. To prepare for possible delays
           in the legislation, the ROK Armed Forces will take the measures they can before the enactment

           or revision, for example, by announcing directives and improving its operation.
             Lastly, the ROK Armed Forces realized that public support is most necessary in implementing
           defense reform. We will enhance the efforts to retain public support and form a government-

           wide consensus on the need for defense reform.

           2. Goal and Tenets

           |  Goal  |    The goal of Defense Reform 2.0 is to “build a strong military that supports the

           peace and prosperity of the Republic of Korea with force.” “Strong military” means a military
           capable of taking the initiative in responding to omnidirectional security threats, an elite military
           powered by advanced technologies, and a military managed in a way that bef its a developed

           |  Tenets  |    The first tenet of Defense Reform 2.0 is to enhance the strength and foundation for
           retaining self-reliant national defense capabilities. For an eff icient response to changes in future

           battlef ields, the ROK Armed Forces will promote a balanced growth between branches and
           specialties. In addition, while steadfastly working toward the civilian control of the MND to
           reinforce the expertise of civilian personnel, the ROK Armed Forces will make systematic efforts

           to secure the core capabilities required for wartime operational control (OPCON) transition.
             The second tenet is to use the scientific and technological advancements of the Fourth
           Industrial Revolution to overcome resource shortage and adapt to future battlef ields. The ROK

           Armed Forces will develop manned/unmanned combined systems, smart surveillance/strike
           systems, technology-powered training systems, and smart barracks management systems driven
           by data analysis, artificial intelligence, network technology, and other advancements of the

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