Page 50 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 50

Section 3       Defense Reform 2.0

           Defense reform, an imperative from the people and the duty of our time, has been long overdue. The ROK
           Armed Forces will be dedicated to implementing Defense Reform 2.0 to build a strong military that supports the
           peace and prosperity of the Republic of Korea with force.

           1. Background

           |  Necessity  |    The security environment that the ROK Armed Forces is facing is comprised

           of multiple aspects. When it comes to the security threat, there are various security threats
           coming from all directions and the resulting increase of uncertainties. While recent efforts for

           denuclearization and the improvement of inter-Korean relationship de-escalated the inter-
           Korean military tension, uncertainties are expected to increase until a complete denuclearization
           of North Korea and perpetual peace on the Korean Peninsula is achieved. At the same time,
           potential threats are expected to increase as the regional powers vie for wider inf luence in the

           region and engage in an escalating arms race, while transnational nonmilitary threats increase
           with the spread of extremism, accelerating propagation of information technology, and frequent
           natural disasters caused by climate change.

             The conditions surrounding Korea’s national defense only add to the diff iculty of implementing
           the policies. The “population cliff” will worsen the shortage of military human resources in 2022
           and the coming years. Considering the economic conditions, Korea is expected to face difficulties

           in providing suff icient support for national defense. In addition, while people demand human

           National Defense Reform 2.0

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