Page 47 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Korean military conf idence building and arms control. The National Security Strategy and

               National Defense Policies are listed in [Chart 2-1].

               |  Establishing a Robust National Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security

               Threats  |    Based on the robust ROK–U.S. combined defense posture, the ROK Armed Forces
                                                                                                         Chapter 2
               maintain omnidirectional military readiness posture against not just North Korea’s provocation
               but also any threat from any direction to deter provocations and react to and, in the event of a

               provocation, respond with prompt and f irm action. At the same time, the ROK Armed Forces
               will enhance their ability to respond to cyberattacks, terrorisms, and disasters, as well as develop
               an integrated civilian-government-military-police defense posture to protect the safety and lives

               of the people.

               |  Developing a Mutually Complementary and Robust ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Promoting
               Exchanges and Cooperation for National Defense  |    To build a combined defense system

               led by the ROK Armed Forces based on the robust ROK–U.S. Alliance, the ROK Armed Forces
               will pursue a stable and early transition of wartime operational control. In addition, the ROK

               Armed Forces will develop the ROK–U.S. Alliance into a mutually complementary relationship,
               promote exchanges and cooperation for national defense, and expand the overseas dispatch of
               Korean troops to shape a more favorable strategic environment for the ROK.

               |  Building a Strong Force That Supports Peace on the Korean Peninsula by Firmly
               Implementing Defense Reform  |    The ROK Armed Forces will f irmly implement Defense
               Reform 2.0 to proactively respond to changes in the security environment and omnidirectional

               security threats, as well as support peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula with strong
               force. To this end, the ROK Armed Forces will work toward “dependable national defense” in
               which Korea assumes full responsibility for its national defense by building an efficient elite

               military powered by advanced technology capable of flexible response to omnidirectional
               security threats.

               |  Establishing a Transparent and Efficient National Defense Operation System  |    To
               keep up with changes in social conditions and public standard, the ROK Armed Forces will
               enhance the eff iciency, openness, and transparency of the overall system of national defense.

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