Page 45 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula and will

               continue to be prepared for all possible situations. In addition, the ROK Armed Forces will
               continue to advance their ability to respond to potential transnational and nonmilitary threats
               such as terrorism, cyberattacks, and large-scale disasters.

                                                                                                         Chapter 2
               |  Supporting a Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula  |    Peace is an issue of our
               survival and a national interest of the highest level. Peace is also the foundation for achieving

               peaceful unification. Without robust security, peace can neither be maintained nor built. For this
               reason, the ROK Armed Forces will support peace on the Korean Peninsula through strength
               by establishing an ROK-led national defense.

               |  Contributing to Regional Stability and World Peace  |    Upon the foundation of a solid
               ROK–U.S. Alliance, the ROK Armed Forces will contribute not only to stability in Northeast
               Asia but also to world peace by promoting amicable and cooperative relationships with the

               surrounding nations, and by proactively participating in international peacekeeping operations
               as well as defense cooperative exchange.

               2. National Defense Vision and Tenets of National Defense Policy

               |  National Defense Vision  |    The ROK Armed Forces has set “Competent Security and
               Robust National Defense” as the vision for national defense. “Competent Security” signif ies
               safeguarding the territory and sovereignty of the Republic of Korea from internal as well

               as external threats and invasions, and protecting the safety and lives of the people “through
               strength” by acquiring an ROK-led war capability based on advanced military force, f ield-based
               education and training, and strong mentality. “Robust national defense” signifies establishing an

               omnidirectional military readiness posture that guarantees victory in every battle by deterring
               and actively countering enemy provocations through ROK-led defense capabilities, based on an
               ironclad ROK–U.S. Alliance.

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