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peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula. Regarding the policy goal for security, “a peaceful

               and prosperous Korean Peninsula,” the administration established three national security
               objectives: a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue and the establishment of
               permanent peace; contribution to peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and the world; and

               the realization of a society where people’s safety and lives are protected.
                                                                                                         Chapter 2

               |  Peaceful Resolution of the North Korean Nuclear Issue and the Establishment

               of Permanent Peace  |    Through concerted efforts with the international community, the
               ROK government will achieve a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue by
               comprehensively pursuing complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, establishment

               of a peace regime, establishment of trust between the two Koreas, and implementation of arms
               control. At the same time, the ROK government will enhance our national defense capacity
               based on the ironclad ROK–U.S. Alliance, thereby supporting the establishment of permanent
               peace on the peninsula.

               |  Contribution to Peace and Prosperity in Northeast Asia and the World  |    The ROK

               government will promote our national interest by fostering an environment that brings peace
               and prosperity to Northeast Asia and the world while elevating the status of the ROK as a
               nation that is in the forefront of achieving peace and cooperation. First, upon the basis of ROK–
               U.S. coordination, the ROK will lead the resolution of the Korean Peninsula issue via regional

               cooperation. In addition, the ROK will consolidate its political and economic cooperation
               with India, ASEAN and other Eurasian countries, and contribute to peace, stability, and
               mutual prosperity in the region by institutionalizing regional cooperation. Further, the ROK

               government will actively involve itself in the resolution of security issues across the world such
               as climate change, international terrorism, infectious diseases, and refugee crises.

               |  Realization of a Society that Protects People’s Safety and Lives  |    The ROK government
               will protect the properties and rights of individual citizens from the standpoint of the people,
               and protect their safety and lives from cyber threats, terrorism, disasters, safety accidents, and

               other threats and risks.

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