Page 37 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 37

|  Sustainability  |    The Reserve Forces of North Korea are composed of the Reserve Military
                                                                                                         Chapter 1
               Training Unit, which is subject to combat mobilization; the workplace-based and regional
               Worker-Peasant Red Guards; the Red Youth Guard, which is a military organization in high
               schools; and paramilitary units. Those in the age range between 14 and 60 are subject to

               mobilization, which correspond to 7,620,000 or roughly 30% of the population.
                 The Reserve Military Training Unit, which can augment the combat capability of the regular
               armed forces during contingency, is 600,000 strong. The unit maintains a level of training

               comparable to that of regular armed forces. The status of the reserve forces in North Korea is
               shown in [Chart 1-8].

               [ Chart 1-8 ]  North Korean Reserve Forces
                      Category         Strength                       Remark

                                      7.62 million
                    Reserve Military   Approx.    Equivalent to the ROK’s mobilization reserve forces
                     Training Unit     600,000    (men aged 17– 50 years, women aged 17– 30 years)

                                                  Equivalent to the ROK’s homeland reserve forces
                    Worker-Peasant     Approx.
                                                  (men aged 17– 60 years, women aged 17– 30 years who are not
                     Red Guards       5.7 million
                                                  in the Reserve Military Training Unit)
                                       Approx.    Advanced middle-school military organization
                   Red Youth Guard
                                       1 million  (boys and girls aged 14 –16 years)
                                       Approx.    Bodyguard Command, Logistics Mobilization Guidance Bureau,
                   Paramilitary units
                                       320,000    etc.

                 North Korea has a stockpile of war supplies, including food, oil, and ammunition, that can

               last one to three months during wartime. More than 300 munitions factories are expected to
               operate during wartime because civilian factories designated for transformation into armament
               factories are capable of switching to a wartime mobilization mode in a short period. These

               armament factories are believed to be capable of producing most types of ammunition and
               equipment except combat aircraft. However, without external assistance, North Korea’s ability
               to sustain a prolonged war is likely to be limited.

                                                      Section 3  North Korean Situation and Military Threats     35
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