Page 46 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 46

[ Chart 2-1 ]  National Security Strategy and Defense Policy

                          National Vision                       National Defense Objectives
             A Nation of the People, a Just Republic of Korea  • Protecting the nation from external military threats
                                                            and attacks
             • A government commited to serving its citizens
                                                          • Supporting a peaceful unification of the
             • A nation that ensures the wellbeing of its citizen
                                                            Korean Peninsula
             • A peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula
                                                          • Contributing to regional stability and world peace
             • An economy centered on the coprosperity of all
             • Balanced development across the nation
                     National Security Objectives
                                                                  National Defense Vision
             • Peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue
               and the establishment of permanent peace
             • Contribution to peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia   Competent Security
               and the world
             • Realization of a society that protects people’s safety   and Robust National Defense
               and lives

                 Tenets of the National Security Strategy
             • Taking the initiative for a peaceful and prosperous
               Korean Peninsula
                                                             Six Tenets of National Defense Policy
             • Ensuring strong national security through steadfast defense
             • Pursuing a well-balanced and cooperative diplomacy
                                                          ˝ Establishing a robust national defense posture
             • Ensuring public safety and protecting their rights      against omnidirectional security threats
                                                          ˞ Developing a mutually complementary and
                                                              robust ROK–U.S. Alliance, and promoting
                          Strategic Tasks
                                                              exchanges and cooperation for national defense
             ˝ Working toward the denuclearization of the Korean   ˟ Building a strong force that supports peace
                 Peninsula and the establishment of permanent peace      on the Korean Peninsula by firmly implementing
             ˞ Developing a sustainable inter-Korean relationship,       defense reform
                 and achieve mutual prosperity            ˠ Establishing a transparent and efficient national
             ˟ Taking the initiative in strengthening national defense       defense operation system
                 capabilities based on the ROK–U.S. Alliance  ˡ Instilling a high-morale military culture that
             ˠ Pursuing pragmatic diplomacy that focuses on the       accompanies the people and invokes public trust
                 interests of the people and the nation   ˢ Building a foundation for peace establishment
             ˡ Reinforcing the national crisis management system       through inter-Korean military confidence
                 for a safer Republic of Korea                building and arms control

           |  Tenets of the National Defense Policy  |    The ROK Armed Forces laid out and implements
           six tenets for its national defense policy, which serve as consistent policy directions guiding the

           realization of its national defense vision: establishing a robust national defense posture against
           omnidirectional security threats; developing a mutually complementary and robust ROK–U.S.
           Alliance, as well as promoting exchanges and cooperation for national defense; building a strong

           military that supports peace on the Korean Peninsula by thoroughly implementing national
           defense reforms; establishing a transparent and eff icient national defense management system;
           instilling a high-morale military culture with public companionship and conf idence; and inter-

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