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hand-in-hand with the public by ensuring the human rights of servicemembers, improving the

               conditions for service, and creating a new barracks culture.

               |  Pursuing Well-Balanced and Cooperative Diplomacy  |    The ROK government will

               pursue well-balanced and cooperative diplomacy by consolidating its cooperation with the four
                                                                                                         Chapter 2
               countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula and by expanding the scope of cooperation to
               ASEAN, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Primarily, the ROK government plans to advance

               and develop the ROK–U.S. Alliance into a relationship that comprehensively encompasses
               security, economic cooperation, personnel exchanges and global leadership. All the while,
               it will contribute to peace and stability in Northeast Asia and peacefully resolve the North

               Korean nuclear issue by strengthening cooperative diplomacy with the surrounding countries.
               In addition, the ROK government will widen the horizon of our diplomacy and expand the
               foundation for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula by pursuing the New Northern
               Policy and the New Southern Policy 2) . Furthermore, it will work together with the international

               community to address transnational threats such as: natural disasters, infectious diseases,
               drugs, and refugee issues. Moreover, the ROK government will actively pursue international

               cooperation and contributive diplomacy to a degree that bef its our national standing in areas
               such as: public diplomacy, global economy, climate change and development cooperation.

               |  Ensuring Public Safety and Protecting Their Rights  |    The ROK government will establish

               an integrated disaster management system and reinforce its on-site response capability in order
               to respond to large-scale accidents and disasters at all times. It will enhance our national-level
               capacity against cyber threats, terrorism and other nonmilitary security threats, and strengthen

               our protection system for overseas citizens in order to ensure their safety.

               2)  The government is currently working toward the Northeast Asia Plus Community for Responsibility Sharing to
                  foster favorable conditions for peace and prosperity in the surrounding areas beyond the Korean Peninsula
                  and Northeast Asia. The New Southern Policy is a diplomatic policy that aims to enhance amicable political,
                  economic, cultural, and personal cooperation with 10 ASEAN members and India to a level corresponding to
                  the cooperation with Korea’s surrounding nations. The New Northern Policy aims to create a new growth engine
                  for the Korean economy and pursue mutual prosperity by linking the transportation, logistics, and energy
                  infrastructure of Korea and Eurasian countries north of the Korean Peninsula (Russia, China, Mongolia, and
                  Southeast Asian countries) while promoting peace and stability in the Eurasian continent including the peninsula.

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