Page 236 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 236

[ Chart 6-2 ]  Increase in Number of Professional Counselors by Year
                                                                        (As of December 2018, unit: persons)
               Year     2011   2012   2013    2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020
               No. of
                         95     148    207    246    297    346    383    383    522     660

           |  Reinforcing the Suicide Prevention Capabilities of All Servicemembers  |    Suicides by
           servicemembers undermine the combat power of the ROK Armed Forces and the people’s trust

           toward them. To prevent servicemembers from taking their own lives, the MND is pursuing
           efforts to turn each servicemember into gatekeepers in charge of preventing suicides. 3)
             In addition, the MND trains and assigns instructors to battalion-level units, organizes suicide

           prevention classes for servicemembers at least once every six months, and operates a prevention
           system that consists of three phases: identif ication, management, and separation. As a result of
           these continued efforts, the number of suicides in the military is declining.

           [ Chart 6-3 ]  Number of Suicide Prevention Instructors Trained by Year
                                                                        (As of December 2018, unit: persons)
               Year    2008   2009  2010   2011  2012   2013  2014   2015  2016   2017  2018
              No. of
                        824   1,601  540   434    550   534    653   664    668   822    650

             Suicides continue to take place around us. In particular, in many cases, the deceased made the

           choice because their colleagues were not aware of or did not take note of the signs that they
           have shown.
             The MND has outsourced the training to professional organizations in order to foster

           professional instructors for soldiers. Currently, the MND is pursuing the development of training
           contents tailored to the characteristics of each service. In addition, the MND is carrying out
           itinerant education by area for commanders, staff, and other off icers in charge of commanding

           and supervising a unit by utilizing professional instructors.
             The MND will continue to enhance the suicide prevention capabilities of all servicemembers

           3)  Gatekeepers invest “continued interest” in looking for “signs” of suicide risks around them and “refer” those in
              need of assistance to various resources (institutions and experts).

           234    Chapter 6  Instilling a High-Morale Military Culture Trusted by the People
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