Page 238 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Section 2       Improving the Welfare and

                           Working Environment for


           Despite the continued efforts to improve the living environment and treatment of servicemembers in barracks,
           the level of welfare for servicemembers still needs improvement. To address this issue, the MND is exerting
           various efforts to radically improve the conditions of military service, including reasonable remunerations for
           fulfilling their duty of military service, and, ultimately, foster a barracks culture in which “people want to join the
           military and parents can send their children without worrying.”

           1. Radical Improvement of Service Conditions

           |  Reasonable Remuneration for Military Service  |    To provide reasonable remunerations for
           those fulf illing their duty of military service and enhance the state’s responsibility in this matter,
           the MND raised the wages of enlisted servicemembers by 87.8% from the previous year as of

           January 2018. Thanks to the raise, enlisted servicemembers now have surplus money between
           KRW 40,000 and KRW 140,000 per month, depending on their ranks, even after deducting the
           essential expenses incurred by their lives in the barracks (KRW 259,000).

             In connection with the raise, the MND worked toward
           expanding savings plans for the enlisted to help them save
           their earnings and use the money to propel themselves

           into the civilian society after discharge. In August 2018,
           the MND signed MOUs with 14 commercial banks
           to develop and launch the Soldiers Tomorrow Ready    MND launched the Soldiers Tomorrow
                                                                Ready Savings for Servicemembers.
           Savings for servicemembers, which provides high-interest
           rates and tax exemptions, and allows servicemembers to deposit up to KRW 400,000 per month.
             In addition, as a part of the remuneration for serving in the military, the MND plans to

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