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provide servicemembers with National Pension credits during their service periods. Currently,

               National Pension credits are provided only for six months of each service period.

               |  Rationalizing Disability Compensation Rates   |    Currently, disability compensations

               for enlisted servicemembers injured during their service are determined only based on the
               seriousness of their injuries, which has been a cause for continued demands for additional
               compensations for servicemembers injured during their service. To address this issue, the MND

               plans to enhance compensations for injuries sustained while performing high-risk tasks by greatly
               increasing the amount of compensations in each grade, and classifying the compensations into
               “combat injuries,” “injuries during special tasks,” and “general disability” depending on the

               cause of the injuries. Once the Whole Revision to the Military Pension Act and the bill for
               the Military Disaster Compensation Act are passed by the National Assembly, the range of
               disability compensations will expand from between KRW 5.69 and 17.06 million to between
               KRW 15.66 and 117.45 million.

               |  Improving the Quality of Uniforms and Other Gears  |    The MND continues to improve

               the combat gears to maintain their combat mission capabilities and improve their satisfaction
               with their lives in the barracks.
                 After replacing the previous Battle Dress        Quality Improvement for Battle
                                                                  Dress Uniforms / Winter Tops
               Uniforms (BDUs) with digital pattern
                                                                                                         Chapter 6
               uniforms in 2011, the MND distributed
               additional summer BDUs in 2013, followed
               by the distribution of the BDUs with

               improved elasticity, comfort, and anti-
                                                         BDU tops             BDU pants
               infrared camouf lage in 2018. In addition, in
               2018, the MND began the distribution of

               lighter and warmer winter tops innerwear,
               and outerwear.
                 Starting in 2015, the MND improved
                                                         Winter tops outerwear  Winter tops innerwear
               the quality and standards of the clothes
               that servicemembers use and wear most
               frequently during their military life. The MND improved the quality of sneakers and gloves, and

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