Page 234 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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gradually reduce fatigue duties so that servicemembers can focus on their combat missions.

             The ROK Armed Forces continues to take various efforts to help servicemembers focus
           on their rightful duties. For example, some units and facilities outsourced nonessential tasks,
           including cleaning, to civilian entities. However, servicemembers serving at some field units

           are still required to perform exhausting tasks that are not
           directly related to their combat missions, even when they
           are off-duty.

             The MND plans to use civilian service providers for
           weeding and cleaning, starting with forward units and
           combat units, which the MND will expand to other units   Awards for outstanding weeding
                                                                  for vigilance operations
           in the future, and continue to add new snow removal

           3. Fostering a Barracks Culture Driven by

             Respect for Human Dignity and Life

           |  Use of Proper Language  |    In keeping with the progressive changes
           toward respect for human rights and dignity, the MND is creating a
           culture based on communication, consideration toward others, and

           mutual respect among servicemembers by promoting the use of proper
           language that bef its military personnel.
             Many incidents at military posts involve verbal violence such as

           the use of abusive languages and swear words, and defamation of
           character. Verbal violence is a serious violation of human rights in   Comic book about the
                                                                            use of proper language
           itself and must be eliminated.                                   in barracks

             To promote the use of proper language among servicemembers,
           the MND published a guideline on language use in barracks and a comic book on the use
           of adequate language in barracks, and ran a special webtoon series on The Korea Defense

           Daily. Each year, the MND also selects the “Barracks Language Leading Unit” to facilitate the
           improvement of the language culture. In addition, in collaboration with the National Institute
           of Korean Language, the MND encourages servicemembers to take “Korean Language Culture

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