Page 229 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 229

Section 1  Instilling a New Barracks Culture Trusted by the People   228
                           Section 2  Improving the Welfare and Working Environment for Servicemembers  236
                           Section 3  Reinforcing the Human Rights Protection for Servicemembers   253
                           Section 4  Upholding Civilian Control of the Military and Corruption-Free
                                             National Defense Operation                         260
                           Section 5  Ensuring Fair Enforcement of the Duty of Military Service
                                             and Enhancing the Benefits for the People          267
                           Section 6  Reinforcing Support for Discharged and Retiring Servicemembers,
                                             and Privileges for War Veterans                    279

                                                                                                         Chapter 6

                                                              The ROK Armed Forces Day Event (October 2018)
   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234