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preparing to have the UN Military Specialist Course certif  ied by the UN.

                 The PKO Center has been gradually expanding its functions and roles to systematically support
               research, education, and training for peacekeeping operations. The number of personnel who
               have been trained at the PKO Center is shown in [Chart 5-14]. In 2017, the PKO Center hosted

               the Training of Trainer attended by the UN and 12 countries in collaboration with the UN’s
               Integrated Training Service (ITS). In May 2018, the center hosted the annual conference of
               the Association of Asia-Pacif  ic Peacekeeping Training Center (AAPTC), 62)  developing into a

               leading PKO education institution.

               [ Chart 5-14 ]  Number of Personnel Trained in the PKO Center
                                                                                     As of December 2018
                                                          Multinational Forces’
                        Total              UN PKO                                   Others
                                                            Peace Operations
                   1,216 in 7 courses   994 in 3 courses     47 in 2 courses     175 in 2 courses

               |  Co-chairing ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Groups on PKOs and Maritime Security  |
               From 2014 to 2017, the ROK served as the co-chair of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working

               Group on Peacekeeping Operations (PKO EWG) 63)  along with Cambodia. In September
               2014 and September 2015, the ROK hosted a meeting of the PKO EWG in Seoul to discuss      Chapter 5
               practical ways of cooperation among the member states. In March 2016, as the co-chair of the
               PKO EWG, the ROK held a peacekeeping operations exercise in India, 64)  sharing the ROK’s

               62)  The annual conference of the AAPTC was launched in 2010, and in the 9  conference held in the ROK in 2018,
                   the chief of staff of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operation and around 70 representatives from 20
                   member states participated and discussed the direction of PKO development
               63)  The Expert’s Working Groups (EWGs) of the ADMM-Plus have been established to facilitate cooperation in the
                   following areas: ˝peacekeeping operations, ˞counterterrorism, ˟maritime security, ˠmilitary medicine, ˡ
                   humanitarian aid and disaster relief (disaster relief and humanitarian assistance), ˢhumanitarian mine action,
                   and ˣcybersecurity. One ASEAN country and one PLUS country assume co-chairmanship of each EWG.
                   There are 10 ASEAN countries (Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines,
                   Cambodia, and Thailand) and 8 Plus countries (ROK, United States, China, Japan, Russia, Australia, New
                   Zealand, and India).
               64)  In March 2016, the first joint field training exercise on international peacekeeping operations and humanitarian
                   mine action was held in Pune, India, with a total of 280 personnel from the 18 countries that participate in the
                   ADMM-Plus. From the ROK, 31 instructors and training members of the ROK International Peace Supporting
                   Standby Force, also known as Onnuri Unit, participated in training sessions for on-foot reconnaissance,
                   checkpoint operation, escort operation, and search-and-interdiction operations.

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