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deployed. The structure of the standing unit for overseas deployment is shown in [Chart 5-12],

           and the number of deployed personnel is in [Chart 5-13].

           [ Chart 5-12 ]  Structure of the Standing Unit for Overseas Deployment

                                            Joint Chiefs of Staff

                                          Standing unit for overseas

            Dedicated deployment unit      Designated reserve unit      Specially designated unit

            đSpecially designated unit : Engineering, medical, military police, guard (Marine Corps), transportation units of Navy and Air Force, UAV and helicopter units, etc.

           [ Chart 5-13 ]  Number of Personnel Deployed from the Standing Unit
                                                                                2010 - December 2018
            Dongmyeong Unit    Ashena Unit       Akh Unit       Hanbit Unit        Total

            7,008 (21 rotations)  1,745 (8 rotations)  1,791 (14 rotations)  2,874 (10 rotations)  13,391

           |  Reinforcing Functions of the PKO Center   |    The PKO Center was established as a
           dedicated educational institution for PKO preparation at the Joint Staff College in August 1995.
           In 2015, the MND adjusted the PKO Center’s af f iliation to come under the Korea National

           Defense University based on the “Enforcement Decree of Act on the Establishment of the
           Korea National Defense University,” in order to reinforce its education and research functions.
           This is also when the PKO Center was given its current of f  icial name.

             The PKO Center is in charge of providing pre-deployment education to key of f  icers of
           deployed units and individually deployed personnel. It has been advancing the PKO education
           system through exchanges and cooperation with the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping

           Operations (DPKO), the UN Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the PKO centers
           of other countries, police PKO centers, and other relevant domestic organizations. When the
           deployed units or individually deployed personnel complete their missions, the PKO Center

           publishes and distributes the units’ booklet on the lessons learned from the deployment and the
           individual agents’ post-action reports to relevant off ices. In November 2013, the PKO Center
           received an education certif  icate for its UN Staff Course from the UN DPKO and is currently

           222    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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