Page 220 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 220

Such accomplishments helped raise the stature of the ROK Armed Forces in the world. In April

           2015, the first “f  loating” ROK embassy was opened on the destroyer, Wang Geon, to safely
           evacuate the ROK citizens who were caught in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, as well as to maintain
           contact with and protect any ROK citizen who remained in Yemen. This is a stellar example of

           organic cooperation between the MND and the Ministry of Foreign Af fairs to protect overseas
           ROK nationals. In April 2018, the unit completed an operation to safely transport three ROK
           nationals, who had been rescued from pirates of Ghanaian territorial waters from the Lagos

           Port in Nigeria to the Tema Harbor in Ghana. The major activities of the Cheonghae Unit are
           shown in [Chart 5-10].

           [ Chart 5-10 ]  Cheonghae Unit’s Major Activities
                                                                                 As of November 2018
                     Convoy              Safe Voyage Escort
                                                              Maritime Security   Counter-piracy
                           Foreign                  Foreign
             ROK Vessels             ROK Vessels                 Operations      Operations
                           Vessels                  Vessels
                499         1,807       15,828       2,922    612 times (1,827 days)  21 times/31 vessels
                                             Safe Voyage Escort

               Operation Dawn of Gulf of Aden   Rescued all crew, including the captain; shot 8 pirates;
                     (January 2011)                         and captured 5 alive
             Evacuation operation of ROK nationals
                                              37 ROK nationals evacuated to Malta and Greece from Libya
                   in Libya (March 2011)
             Evacuation operation of ROK nationals
                                           18 ROK nationals and 86 foreigners evacuated to Malta from Libya
                  in Libya (August 2014)
             Evacuation operation of ROK nationals
                                            6 ROK nationals and 6 foreigners evacuated to Oman from Yemen
                   in Yemen (April 2015)
              Escort operation for crew members
                                               Escorted 3 ROK nationals from the Lagos Port in Nigeria
                abducted in Ghanaian waters
                                                         to the Tema Harbor in Ghana
                      (April 2018)

           |  Staff Officers and Coordination Officers in Multinational Forces  |    The ROK Armed

           Forces has dispatched a total of 10 staff off  icers and coordination off  icers to the CMF in
           Bahrain, the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) in Djibouti, and the
           United States Central Command and Africa Command. Their major missions are performing

           staff duties for the CMF, establishing combined operations plans, supporting the rotation and
           combat service of the ROK Armed Forces overseas deployment units, and cooperating with
           local allied forces.

           218    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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