Page 217 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 217

[ Chart 5-8 ]  Hanbit Unit’s Major Activities
                                                                                     As of November 2018
                                    Construction of a new terminal (12 gates) at the Bor Airport; installation of amenities,
                                 including a septic tank, sports facilities, and an oil storage; and repairs of facilities,
                                 including the runway, internal and external access roads, parking ramps, and fences
                                    Restoration of the Bor–Pibor road (197km) and Bor–Mangalla road (125km)
                                    Road repairs, drainage renovation, and drainage and restoration equipment support for
                                 submerged areas in the Bor region
                                    Construction, maintenance, and repairs of infrastructure including landfill and borrow pit
                                    Repairs of the access road (200m) in the Pibor town and a soccer field
                                    Establishment of the Jonglei State Peace Center
                                    Supply of medicine and other materials to Bor Hospital
                                    Supply of educational materials to elementary schools in the Bor and Pibor regions
                                    Renovation of the lecture hall of the continuing education center in John Garang
                                 Memorial University
                 Operations and
                                    Operation of Hanbit Farm: Planted 350 pieces of mango and guava trees
                                    Operation of Hanbit Vocational School (Seven programs including farming): 556
                                 graduates, 9  class in session
                                    Training in the ROK: 62 persons visited the ROK over 6 sessions
                                    Medical support for local residents: 21,500 patients
                                    UNMISS Taekwondo and Korean language classes
                                    Repairs of internal and external roads, assistance in drainage for submerged areas
                    Refugee      during the rainy season
                   Protection       Repairs of a refugee camp, reinforcement of protective walls, construction of 14 new
                                 guard posts
                                    Construction of 12 units of UN staff lodging in the Bor base, guard posts, and shelters   Chapter 5
                                 at the Bor Airport
                   UN Forces
                                    Reinforcement of the protective walls and internal roads (4.8km) of the Bor base
                                    Reinforcement of protective walls in the Pibor and Akobo independent operation base
                                 (Pibor: 2km, Akobo: 200m)
                                    Reinforcement of protective walls, external moats, and parapet walk (1.8km)
                                    Repairs of drain and installation of pads for generators in the Bor base

               |  Military Observers and Staff Officers in UN Missions  |    The ROK government currently
               has around 20 personnel dispatched to UN missions in major conflict regions including India
               and Pakistan, Lebanon, South Sudan, and Western Sahara. Some of them work as observers

               and armistice supervision agents, and some, as military staff of f icers in UN missions. Observers
               monitor armistice violations and undertake tasks, such as patrols, investigations, reporting, and
               mediation, under the control of UN missions. The staff of f  icers of UN missions carry out their

               duties in the major staff of f ices of each command such as intelligence, operations, and logistics
               of f ices.

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